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Xbox Directional Voice Chat
Feedback, NormalPublic


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Issue Description:
On the xbox chat headset which only has one speaker on the left ear VOIP audio is limited as due to it being directional in terms of voip I only have one ear. If there were an option for Mono VOIP audio then that would solve this as I could get both left and ring ear audio through my single speaker headset


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Plug in xbox chat headset

Event Timeline

samwat57 created this task.Jan 22 2025, 4:14 PM

Is there not a mono option in the Xbox audio settings?

There is, but that would make all game audio mono Instead of just voice chat

There is, but that would make all game audio mono Instead of just voice chat

But isn't that what you want if you only have one speaker..?

If you’re using the Xbox chat headset, you get game audio through your TV and voice audio through the headset. So only the headset needs mono audio

If you’re using the Xbox chat headset, you get game audio through your TV and voice audio through the headset. So only the headset needs mono audio

Ah, ok. Tried setting Party chat output to Headset & Speakers? Then if it's quiet in headset but coming through on TV, you know its on your right side. Don't know if the setting only affects Party chat or also Game chat. Temporary solution of course.

Does your TV have a stereo sound system?

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 23 2025, 11:46 AM