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No stamina cost for prone and less problematic q-e spam
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


This causes unnatural gameplay mechanics in vanilla and vanilla+ servers. I have noticed more and more people adopting this tactic, and it clearly provides added value to the user. Currently doing it has no cost, no stamina cost, no accuracy cost. A lot of people are spamming q-e, then when they see someone they go immediately prone and shoot at the same time, doing this with 100% accuracy. The animations are also quite fast contributing to the efficiency of this move.

Adding a stamina cost/slowing the animations with these actions would at least make it more natural and more of a decision than "always do it in cqb". This is starting to become very common on vanilla+ pvp servers, especially with more advanced playerbase.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Go prone aim at the same time, same accuracy as normally. You can also spam prone and going up
  2. Spam q-e behind cover, very difficult to hit.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, Jan 20, 3:36 PM