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Inverted brightness red and white night
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Build 2025-01-06 16:35:03
No mods installed. Brand-new default install, only the graphics and control settings adjusted.

During part of each in-game night the brightness of objects in the world is inverted - things that should be black are rendered as white, things that should be brighter are rendered with dimmer colours, mostly shades of red. The sky remains dark but is also redder than it should be. In game the effect happens suddenly. One moment the twilight is fading and everything is getting darker, the next moment i'm in a blinding psychadelic nightmare. The first time it happened was during my first game after completing the training scenario - a solo local conflict game on Arland. The problem occured the first time night fell. I abandoned the game, restarted arma and started a new confilct game, but the same thing happened. Then I started checking things and experimenting in GM mode.

Actually, now i've tried to play through it a bit more, I think it's the environment illumination level that is inverted, not the objects or textures or local illumination (so the undersides of things are still darker than the tops and lights don't produce local pools of darkness). In the blackest part of the night the ground and all objects are solid white, so the only way to get around is to use a 3rd person view very close to the ground so objects show some contrast with the sky. As the true illumination level starts to rise towards dawn, the inverted illumination effect weakens, ground becomes less blown out so objects can be seen in contrast with it - it starts to feel like a night-vision exploit, but still with a lot of detail-obliterating oversaturation.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 Home, OS build 22631.4751
Steps To Reproduce

On my system i can easily reproduce the effect in game master mode. Simply adjust the game time of day until the problem appears. The exact times affected change if different weather is selected, but the effect occurs for at least part of each night, and on both Arland and Everon.

Obviously my laptop is barely capable of running this game, so i have almost all the the visual settings at their lowest value. I haven't tried every possible combination of visual settings, but for each parameter i have tried all their settings while leaving the others unchanged. No visual setting affects whether the effect is occuring, nor does the lighter night setting in game master mode, only the time of day and weather. I've joined a few multiplayer games, but had to abandon them when night fell.

Additional Information

I've checked the integrity of the game file in steam. I've checked my display driver is up to date. I've run dxdiag and attached the results below. I've shut down and restarted the game and my computer. The effect persists.

Laptop is a Lenovo Yoga 7 16IRL8

Processor 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1355U 1.70 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Edition Windows 11 Home
Version 23H2
Installed on ‎25/‎02/‎2024
OS build 22631.4751
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1055.0

Event Timeline

moth created this task.Jan 18 2025, 5:43 PM
moth edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 20 2025, 11:57 AM
moth edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
moth changed Category from General to Visual-Environment.

literally what I’ve been trying to figure out?

moth updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 20 2025, 10:36 PM
moth added a comment.Jan 20 2025, 10:38 PM

literally what I’ve been trying to figure out?

So it's not just me then. Could you add details of your system? Open a command prompt and type dxdiag.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 22 2025, 11:12 AM
moth added a comment.Fri, Jan 24, 10:14 PM

Night fell while I was exploring houses, and I found that the red white effect only penetrates one room deep into buildings:

Maybe that's another clue to what's going wrong.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Fri, Feb 7, 12:03 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello moth.
we have tested this on our end but we could not reproduce the issue.