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Sporadic Weapon and Inventory Malfunctions in Multiplayer and Local Hosting
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number:
Modded?: Yes
If modded, please list the mods:

Scenario 1 Mods:

  • Escapists
  • Escapists - Chernarus
  • ChernarusReforged

Scenario 2 Mods:

  • WCS

Issue Description:

While playing both locally hosted and multiplayer scenarios in Reforger, I frequently encounter issues where weapons and inventory actions fail to function correctly. These problems appear to be sporadic and may relate to high ping, server desync, or other factors.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

While I am not able to directly list steps to reproduce these problems, I have observed two primary scenarios where these issues occur:

Scenario 1: Local Hosting -

During a firefight (or immediately before one), my weapon occasionally becomes unresponsive when I attempt to fire. While I can toggle fire rate, safety, and other weapon functions, the weapon does not fire.

Workarounds Attempted:

Removing and replacing the magazine: Works occasionally.
Dropping the weapon and picking it back up: Sometimes resolves the issue.
Switching to a new weapon (e.g., looted from an enemy): This is a last-resort solution but consistently works.

Scenario 2: Multiplayer on Heavily Modded Servers (e.g., WCS) -

During intense actions, such as throwing grenades in a firefight, my character locks up. While I can move and access my inventory, I am unable to drop or interact with any items. These servers occasionally experience desync during long uptimes, which may freeze player models in specific areas temporarily.

Possible Causes:

High ping (e.g., playing on US servers with American friends while located in a different region).
Server desync, especially on heavily modded or high-population servers.
Server performance issues during long up time (15+ Hrs)

Additional Information

Is this a known issue in Reforger? Are there any recommended fixes or workarounds?

Scenario 1:
Scenario 2:

For reference, mods used in scenario 1 were only "Escapists", "Escapists - Chernarus" and "ChernarusReforged". Scenario 2 was during a playsession on one of the many WCS servers.

Event Timeline

Flynnruk created this task.Jan 1 2025, 2:53 PM
Flynnruk edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 1 2025, 2:56 PM
Flynnruk updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 1 2025, 2:59 PM
Flynnruk updated the task description. (Show Details)

Spoke with an Australian friend who also plays on US region based servers with me and he's having the same problem with his character locking up (Scenario 2).

Best guess is it occurs when a client or server has high ping.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 3 2025, 3:17 PM
StevieB added a subscriber: StevieB.Jan 4 2025, 2:08 PM

Local Host issue may relate to T187337 and T187928 seeing as I was the host in my case aswell.