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Client Crash EXP
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi, since the last update ( EXP) the client has been crashing very frequently on different computers.

We tried to narrow down the error to find out whether it is due to the mod or the main game. Unfortunately, there is no information about this in the logs.

02.11 2024 10:42:03
Unhandled exception

Program: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger Experimental\ArmaReforgerSteam_Experimental.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff77bc23140 at 0x108

SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bc23140
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bf153e2
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bb38026
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bb37817
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bea696a
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bb4a9e6
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bb49dac
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77bb4d185
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77be15f71
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77ca8e234
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77ca8a91b
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77ba0092e
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77ca8a322
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77c09aa3c
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77c6d2601
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77b9ff907
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77c94d389
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77c93de08
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77c93dc00
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77b9a7898
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77b9a7105
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff77ce6ab5e
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ffe06967374
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffe07cdcc91
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffe07cdcc91

Runtime mode
CLI params: logLevel debug addonDownloadDir D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger Experimental\mods


If it is due to a bug in the mod, I would be very grateful if you could provide more information.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

We tried to reproduce the crash with 4 people. Unfortunately, we were not able to do so. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.
When the crash occurs, all clients crash at the same time. The dedicated continues to run, however, and you can reconnect.

Event Timeline

R34P3R created this task.Nov 2 2024, 1:16 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Nov 4 2024, 10:52 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Tue, Feb 25, 10:18 AM
Geez claimed this task.