Game Version number: EXP -
Hey, this bug seems already fixed in EXP, because it was verry rare! But now its back again.
If you like to GetIn a Compartment on NavalVehicle, the Player/Character dies by a chance of 80%.
Game Version number: EXP -
Hey, this bug seems already fixed in EXP, because it was verry rare! But now its back again.
If you like to GetIn a Compartment on NavalVehicle, the Player/Character dies by a chance of 80%.
Please include reproduction steps here!!!!
Hello R34P3R.
Can you please provide more detailed information in regards to this issue? Is this part of some sort of mod? As we cannot find any issues on the vanilla version of the game.
Hi Geez, i try to make a Video in the next days. Because this only happens while playing on Dedicated and not EditMode/Workbench.
@Geez, this one is hard to reproduce, but please see attached Video: It does not make any different if you enter the Vehicle as Pilot, Co-Pilot or any other compartment. Sometimes you just die, without any reason. I think this bug is Physic releated. btw. only happens with dedicated server.