- Duplicated ; at the end of statements
_this setname "Liam Rollins";; _this setface "GreekHead_A3_09";; _this setspeaker "Male12ENG";; _this setpitch 0.99;;
- Attributes using "%s" as variable name are not parsed correctly
- Attributes are exported even if _value is equal to the defaultValue set in config
Attribute: expression = "if (!is3DEN && !isMultiplayer) then {_this setVariable ['%s', _value]}";
Result: if (!is3DEN && !isMultiplayer) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0]};
- Layer names converted to missionNamespace variables can be duplicated as layer names in Eden Editor don't have to be unique. Variable names should have their layer ID as suffix
if (_layer13870) then {missionNamespace setVariable ["3denenhanced_Electronics",[[_item13774,_item15097,_item15099,_item15100,_item15101,_item15102,_item15106,_item15107,_item15109,_item15118],[]]];}; if (_layer67405) then {missionNamespace setVariable ["3denenhanced_Animation",[[_item13857,_item13914,_item13918,_item14373,_item14387,_item13828,_item77607],[]]];}; if (_layer14300) then {missionNamespace setVariable ["3denenhanced_Camp Endurance",[[_item13857,_item13914,_item13918,_item14373,_item14387,_item13828,_item77607,_item13774,_item15097,_item15099,_item15100,_item15101,