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HUD disappears when getting kicked out of a server
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


With a high percentage chance, when I get kicked out of a server due to instability or server resets, when I return my shortcuts hud (the bar at the lower part of the screen) disappears and does not come back when I press the shortcut (grave sign).

The only way to bring the hud back is to go into the menus, disable hud -> apply -> enable hud -> apply.

This is a very well known bug that has been discussed but I have never seen people pointing out a root cause. For me, it is the server disconnects that trigger it.

Hopefully this report helps you guy pinpoint and squash this very annoying bug...


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get kicked out due to server reset or "instability" (happens A LOT in official servers...)
  2. Rejoin server
  3. In my experience, 60-70% of the times the hud will have disappeared.
Additional Information

Launcher version: 1.6.158399

Game version: 1.25.158593

Branch: main / beta branch not specified

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Sep 18 2024, 11:02 AM
Cybrax added a subscriber: Cybrax.Sep 20 2024, 8:28 PM

Why I stopped contributing to this tracker...
We are just wasting our time...

They do not care and will not fix it, or rather they just don't know how..

The hotbar dissapearing and the bloodspatters on screen have been a known issue since forever but guess what they magically cannot reproduce it...

It's more important to add another useless hat.

Cybrax added a subscriber: Geez.Sep 21 2024, 2:49 AM

Shame on you @Geez you should bring this up in the weekly meeting.

How it is seriously possible you have not fixed this yet...

and managed to reintroduce the handbug.,...

Why should we waste our time giving you feedback if you don't care to fix the damn issues...