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Randomness of the loot spawn seems to have problems
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It's easy to feel like the loot randomisation (what exact items you encounter) behaves very oddly producing multiple of same items in nearby houses (for example finding a can opener in many houses in the same village you are looting, so that it actually amounts to a big percentage of the items found there in general. Mathematical (pseudo)randomness can produce results that dont "feel" random but this really feels like its a problem in the usage of the randomisation, unless it's like this by design of course.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Because of the nature of the problem it's hard to have a solid process to reproduce the results. Maybe really just gauging what spawns in like a small town when entering it.

Additional Information

I didn't try this at the experimental (1.26) servers and the problem is unfortunately a bit vague, but as a programmer who often needs randomisation tools, this really has the feel similar to when there's some problems with the solid behaviour of the randomisation, like a sneaky bug with seeding the randomisation function properly. Of course I might be totally off and this is either by design or just the part of actual random events that don't feel random. Maybe in that case I would consider this as a feedback to augment the loot randomisation with some extra versatility. (It also feels like for example the sledgehammer doesn't spawn at all anymore, but that might not be true). But this "problem" is real enough that we have a joke with my friend of inventing backstories for different villages why they all left the same specific item to their homes :) But of course, not a huge issue.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Tue, Sep 10, 10:50 AM