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Backpack Capacity Change in Experimental
Feedback, UrgentPublic


The reduction in backpack capacity seems extremely heavy handed in conjunction with the clothing item capacity reduction already. Honestly, the clothing capacity rework wasn't bad. Took a bit to get used to but, backpacks staying made that bearable. Please revert this change. Genuinely only complaint with this recent patch to experimental. If you can revert the backpack capacity change, this patch would be almost perfect, obviously aside from the few known issues.


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Windows 7

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Randmann created this task.Thu, Aug 22, 7:51 PM

To add, if you want to affect backpack accessibility, why not make it to where you can only access your bag if it is in your hands? Would help with those complaining about easily accessing multiple weapons from their bag.

I have to agree. Keep all backpacks the same, it gives them great value and a lot of custom community servers who rely on Alice Bags being 90 slots to spawn in uniforms or building supplies would be impacted.

I feel as though that the reduction of slots for the bags is unnecessary. Unless if you intend on introducing a new tier of clothing items that replaces the capacity that has been taken from us relatively quickly, I don't see much positive reaction from this. Sure this can help the loot economy but the only way to truly fix that is to out right ban dupers.

The backpack and clothing reduction will make a lot of players walk away. This heavily makes building and loot runs super hard for solos. Community servers will take a huge toll from this. Conquest will be alot less enjoyable and will ruin the gameplay. Official will also suffer from these changes.

Feedbacker added a subscriber: Feedbacker.EditedSat, Aug 24, 12:14 AM

The decision of Bohemia Interactive about reducing the cargo size of the clothings and backpacks is a truly fantastic and congruent decision that goes on par with the nature of DayZ which is about being authentic and unforgiving.
People who oppose to the decision of the reduction of the exaggerated and very permissive cargo of the clothings and the backpacks by threatening to walk away are spoilt children and adults alike who shouldn't be here in the first place and won't keep up anyway with the selection of the authentic and unforgiving nature or (some of the best of them, if they don't want to miss out) may forge a stronger mental control to adapt to this exciting (re)implementation that is just a little bit more congruent and a little bit less incongruent to the core, to the roots and the nature of DayZ.
I encourage Bohemia Interactive to actually reduce more until the T-shirt without a pocket get 0 cargo capacity, block certain sized and voluminous objects to go inside the inventory and storage system and increase fees for oversized baggage by adding a system of cumbersome along with the need to rest due to weight and terrain affectation before even thinking about any authentic compensation and any single compensation should be authentic: considerably increasing the durability of the boots, require backpacks to be in the hands to be able to access its container except for things attached to proxy access like radios, require a sling to attach a weapon/tool on the survivor, make it a possibility to attach binoculars on the character's neck with a shoulder strap and please remove that zoom toggle by the way, it's an overpowered tool and an aberrant camera zoom that affect more than survivors interactions which shouldn't be a possibility and should be replaced with the effort of having to use binoculars, scopes or rangefinders.

  • Currently the maximum number of the carrying capacity that a character can have with another field backpack in hands is well over 318 slots!

Cargo capacity of combat, BDU, CUU, patrol pants = 30 slots
Cargo capacity of field, hunter, BDU, combat, CUU, patrol jacket = 42 slots
Cargo of assault vest = 30 slots
Cargo of attached utility backpack to the assault vest = 30 slots
Cargo of a hip pack = 6 slots (this one is ok)
Cargo of field backpack carried on the back = 90 slots
Cargo of a field backpack carried in the hands = 90 slots

I'm thankful that at least the official cold will add its great addition but until then and as long as nutrition and dehydration are being taken care of, I can carry and keep running infinitely with no other single physical inconvenience than getting shot, (eaten?) by wolves, or me actually falling asleep in real life 17 Famas or 22260 nails or 190 wooden plank (Stack Size: 10 x 16 slots) which is 380 Kg! Or 318 boxes of nails weighting 954 Kg!

  • Having a forgiving big cargo in the character also encourage another unfair play and behaviours of the use of ALT's characters as hidden and more secured bases exploit used specifically to stock gear on and even help those who duplicates with this method (very common and known issue among users, at least on consoles) that we should fight against.
  • A big inventory cargo ease on survivors for the extreme and extra base building because it is very permissive to carry the base building tools to build with. Thus, result in the incentive of building immense bases affecting server performance.
  • A known issue among users with the very forgiving and permissive cargo of the inventory system is that users have the ability to get even all the complete gear of a dead teammate to save his loot on his very permissive cargo capacity, decide of a meeting position (space and time wise) and the teammate joins him back from his spawn point to get back his gear. Thus, result with the teammate not facing the unforgiving punishment of gear loss/death in DayZ.
  • Survivors will actually manage their inventory and think about what they need to survive instead of having a ridiculous amount of multiple things and a ridiculous amount of big objects in the pockets of a jacket...
  • Due to inauthenticity, It also create an issue and all sort of other related issues of not being able to estimate what a survivor can carry in his clothes or a backpack. This strongly affect a survivor's interactions.

How can these people oppose to this change?
Who are these people who oppose to the change?
Who are these people that DayZ have been attracting?
Why and how are they even here in the first place?

The inventory system shouldn't be inauthentically big and extra forgivingly permissive like this is in the first place and we should not have an audience that will complain about it when it gets reduced.
If this is not an absolute exaggeration lacking commitment and integrity to the core of DayZ, its roots and insulting the meaning of authenticity then I don't know what it is.

Bohemia Interactive,
Don't let the number's game bend DayZ and thank you for the support during all these years and for fixing the huge amount of bugs, adding some great contents and enhancing stability in DayZ but please, continue to enhance it within its core, its roots and its identity with that post-apocalyptic atmosphere.
Thank you for the recent reduce of cargo and please reduce more. Then later we'll think about some authentic compensations.
DayZ should stay congruent as much as it can; authentic and unforgiving.

I generally like the reduce carry weight, it makes me have to be mindful and I can have more stamina!

I have to agree. Keep all backpacks the same, it gives them great value and a lot of custom community servers who rely on Alice Bags being 90 slots to spawn in uniforms or building supplies would be impacted.

They could always add a Cargo Capacity Multiplier to the cfggameplay.xml, allowing servers to easily adjust the multiplier from the default ('1'). This would let community servers increase or decrease the cargo capacity/slot size in all clothing—a simple workaround for server customization.

saulgoodmann added a subscriber: saulgoodmann.EditedMon, Aug 26, 3:34 AM

The backpack and clothing reduction will make a lot of players walk away. This heavily makes building and loot runs super hard for solos. Community servers will take a huge toll from this. Conquest will be alot less enjoyable and will ruin the gameplay. Official will retro bowl also suffer from these changes.

totally agree

This comment was removed by Geez.
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Aug 26, 10:17 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.
JayLord added a comment.EditedThu, Aug 29, 1:03 PM

Agree x million, the backpack nerf is excessive & almost a little bit crass in its execution.

Please bear in mind when reading ChatGPT-esque word salad feedback like the above, that Tarkov used to have many more players before their devs decided to listen only to the tryhards. It's not the game it was, and that's because there was a certain point that the players decided that updates that only slowed the game down or made it harder whilst adding nothing else, (Z AI for for example), well that made it no longer worth playing. 36 lost slots & that's before you even get a backpack.

I have to agree. Keep all backpacks the same, it gives them great value and a lot of custom community servers who rely on Alice Bags being 90 slots to spawn in uniforms or building supplies would be impacted.

They could always add a Cargo Capacity Multiplier to the cfggameplay.xml, allowing servers to easily adjust the multiplier from the default ('1'). This would let community servers increase or decrease the cargo capacity/slot size in all clothing—a simple workaround for server customization.

This actually but name it something like cfginventory.xml and have all containers have their max capacity be taken from here, would allow BH to do their balancing for Official and Servers to keep their player retention.

Haas added a subscriber: Haas.EditedTue, Sep 3, 5:54 PM

The nerf is massively needed but not in its current form.
with maximum slot bags and clothes, you can carry 3 full size tree logs without it impacting your speed other than general weight reduction to stamina.
or you can wear nothing at all and have one log in your arms and you can only walk, barely walk at that.

The inventory needs nerfing, however it needs to factor in size of items on console.
for example, vests should not be allowed to carry full size guns in plate carrier pouches etc.

number of slots taken as an inventory system is a poor system and very out of date.

The nerf is massively needed but not in its current form.
with maximum slot bags and clothes, you can carry 3 full size tree logs without it impacting your speed other than general weight reduction to stamina.
or you can wear nothing at all and have one log in your arms and you can only walk, barely walk at that.

The inventory needs nerfing, however it needs to factor in size of items on console.
for example, vests should not be allowed to carry full size guns in plate carrier pouches etc.

number of slots taken as an inventory system is a poor system and very out of date.

I see no difference for the "size of items on console" as on PC you have to actually rotate and organize your items to fill in the weight and on Console it just has an weight indicator which makes it no different than pc and both work the same with no advantage over one another.

Haas added a comment.Tue, Sep 3, 7:01 PM

The nerf is massively needed but not in its current form.
with maximum slot bags and clothes, you can carry 3 full size tree logs without it impacting your speed other than general weight reduction to stamina.
or you can wear nothing at all and have one log in your arms and you can only walk, barely walk at that.

The inventory needs nerfing, however it needs to factor in size of items on console.
for example, vests should not be allowed to carry full size guns in plate carrier pouches etc.

number of slots taken as an inventory system is a poor system and very out of date.

I see no difference for the "size of items on console" as on PC you have to actually rotate and organize your items to fill in the weight and on Console it just has an weight indicator which makes it no different than pc and both work the same with no advantage over one another.

Regardless, my point and examples still stand that inventory is still flawed/dated.
Interesting that pc is that way too.
Oppinions are each to their own but this inventory changes are gona be 50/50 for and against or there abouts.
Will still play regardless :)

Riddick_2K added a subscriber: Riddick_2K.EditedSat, Sep 7, 2:52 AM

The reduction of slots is seen favorably only by "COD style" players. Those who don't need to carry around a lot of stuff to survive, just have some weapons and go look for a wretch to kill.
In fact, the usual complaint is that "you can hide weapons inside your jacket"... mi mi mi mi mi... You're scared and you're "anti-sports"! Instead of learning to play, you try to make it difficult for your opponent by changing the characteristics of the game. It's an anti-sports mentality.
Who pays the consequences?
Those who really play DayZ to survive (as advertised by the game) and have to carry around a lot of stuff, even huge ones (like repair kits), because this "crazy" game consumes everything like butter (boots, weapons, equipment, knives, etc...) and with all the limitations of a very, very ARCADE game.
But maybe this is the real goal, to push players towards the community servers, modified and modded.
Good suggestion to add a modifier in the server settings to multiply the space of the various categories of objects... so as not to force you to use mods.
I bet they will never do it.

If it were just a "realism" problem (this game is ALL a "poor realism problem" !!!!), it would have been enough to make storage blocks of certain objects in certain containers.

Feedbacker added a comment.EditedSun, Sep 8, 12:03 PM

The reduction of slots is seen favorably only by "COD style" players. Those who don't need to carry around a lot of stuff to survive, just have some weapons and go look for a wretch to kill.
In fact, the usual complaint is that "you can hide weapons inside your jacket"... mi mi mi mi mi... You're scared and you're "anti-sports"! Instead of learning to play, you try to make it difficult for your opponent by changing the characteristics of the game. It's an anti-sports mentality.
Who pays the consequences?
Those who really play DayZ to survive (as advertised by the game) and have to carry around a lot of stuff, even huge ones (like repair kits), because this "crazy" game consumes everything like butter (boots, weapons, equipment, knives, etc...) and with all the limitations of a very, very ARCADE game.
But maybe this is the real goal, to push players towards the community servers, modified and modded.
Good suggestion to add a modifier in the server settings to multiply the space of the various categories of objects... so as not to force you to use mods.
I bet they will never do it.

If it were just a "realism" problem (this game is ALL a "poor realism problem" !!!!), it would have been enough to make storage blocks of certain objects in certain containers.

No, sir!
You've got a lot of things wrong in your feedback by taking your blind and ignorant assumptions about other users as fact.
You don't know all the users who point the finger at the lenient and overly permissive inventory system, so why are you making these kinds of assumptions about them to defend your argument?
Everyone pays the consequences. It's how you deal with them that makes the difference.
I encourage DayZ to simulate more of the survival aspects. You can see me pushing for authentic and unforgiving elements on survival simulation like a weight system with its risk of injury, a fatigue system, more swaying due to weight, shortness of breath when jogging and moving with heavy weight, no instant running and stopping breathing, absolutely no instant running and stopping breathing with heavy weight, the influence of terrain and surface adding with weight, the affectation of weight on calorie expenditure and hydration, shortness of breath while jogging, increased temperature while jogging, the elimination or at least extreme reduction of the overpowered internal zoom flip camera and the use of binoculars instead, and much more. I even insist on the need for sleep. Yes, in a massive world multiplayer / survival content.
The exaggerated inventory system and overpowered capacity of carrying weight block all those aspects to be implemented with a genuine lens especially for the impact on weight in relation to motion/movement physics and much more than that.
You bully other users who ask and encourage BI to implement authentic, ruthless aspects that will be consistent and logical with the official content description while you choose to keep it looking aberrant and forgivingly fast-paced to be able to carry 1272 kg, jog with it and call yourself a survivor.
You are the arcade and casual player of COD more than the content itself, more than all those who point out the exaggerated permissiveness of the inventory system and more than any COD player!
I'm better than you and smarter than you!
I can survive on less than you.
You'd have to improve first to reach my level of true challenge, because my vision mercilessly exceeds your ability to comprehend.
The impact of the recent reduction was necessary for the survival aspect and is still so small and incomplete that I wouldn't dare ask for genuine compensation yet.
I'll start suggesting genuine compensation when you're no longer able to wear a frying pan or a baseball bat in your T-shirt.

I'd also suggest adding a modifier in the server settings to multiply or diminish the space of the different object and slots categories so that I can reduce further until the T-shirt has a load capacity of zero and let those assisted inferior users use hundred spaces in a T-shirt in their clown happy meal servers if that's what they want.
However, I'd also suggest to add a compartmentalisation system for each pocket of the garment and backpacks with separate compartments to automatically prevent large objects (for example, a jerrycan or a car radiator) in a pocket/compartment without any underlying detriment to the container's carrying capacity.

Yours is a simple "copy/paste" of a forum post, which refers to many other discussions not present here.
At least you could have written a specific post for this thread.
If you feel so "good" and anxious to show your ability to survive even in the most absurd difficulties, I inform you that there are many community servers, modded, that add a whole series of various difficulties... to choose from, you can find all sorts of them.
Here we are talking about the "official" servers that are the first choice of all new players. They shouldn't be too "difficult".
Furthermore, as already suggested by someone in the forum, there are already two different "strands" of servers: "normal" & "HC".
I don't know why the difference is almost non-existent: light/dark nights & 1P/1-3P vision.
It would be a good idea to make the "normal" servers more "user friendly" for new and casual players who are just looking for some relaxing fun, and the "HC" ones with more difficulty (less slots, less weapons, less ammo, less food, more diseases, infected that kill again, etc).
And as for the supposed absurdity of storing heavy weapons in a simple hunting jacket (an opinion I share), as also suggested by other people in the forum... it would have been enough to divide the storage space into non-communicating parts, so as NOT to allow storing objects that are too large, without necessarily penalizing the space and the amount of transportable objects.
It's about "playability & verisimilitude"... not "absolute realism" (which is impossible in a simple PC video game).