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Unloading Guns does not give ammo back.
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


I have had it on multiple occasions where I have unloaded a gun with ammo in it, and the ammo does not return to my inventory, it just despawns. This happens with emptying magazines as well.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Unload a loaded gun/magazine.

Additional Information

I don't know whether this applies to all servers or just the ones I was playing on, which were: NY 9030 and NY 9027

Event Timeline

Shounks created this task.Thu, Jun 27, 12:52 AM
Traqu added a subscriber: Traqu.EditedThu, Jun 27, 2:04 AM

Were you walking during that? Likely that bullets were dropping on the ground.

This happens when the inventory is full BUT - I am pretty sure that ocasionally this "state" of full inventory is wrongly saved and your bullets will drop despite having free room in your inventory; which would make it a bug.

This happens so rarely though, that I have no idea how to reproduce it, or if I am not making it up even...

I was not walking to my knowledge. I am pretty sure that I was just standing still every time I tried this. I tried to look on the ground for the bullets, but they were no where to be found.

Shounks edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Thu, Jun 27, 3:39 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Thu, Jun 27, 12:23 PM
Shounks changed Severity from Major to None.Thu, Jun 27, 7:44 PM

Issue has been resolved. The bullets were going into the frying pan in my inventory. Sorry for the waste of time.