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Things disappear from the character
Reviewed, NormalPublic


After patch 1.26, various things periodically disappear from the inventory. The last such bug was caught on video.
Until 2:48 the character has a belt and a weapon in quick slot 1. After 2:50 you can see that the weapon from the quick slot has disappeared. It disappeared along with the belt it was in. Including all the other loot that was in this belt disappeared. Also at this moment the face mask disappeared.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

At different times, different items disappeared from the inventory. Previously, I did not notice the loss of equipment from the character’s body. But this time the equipment disappeared along with the loot.
The only pattern that I noticed was that things disappeared when there was a lot of different loot in the inventory.

Event Timeline

Alorin created this task.Sun, Jun 23, 1:48 PM

oh god we aren't the only one with this problem. I got response from geez that it's server related, but we still can't tie ends and find the responsible for this happening. been a problem since 1.25 release.
are you a player or admin?

I'm a player on that server. On another server I am an admin. Before writing here, I received information that this bug occurs on different servers.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, Jun 24, 10:53 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Wed, Jun 26, 11:50 AM

Hello Alorin.
Does this occur on private server that has password protection? If so, do you have any crash logs on client/server side after this has happened?

Geez added a comment.Wed, Jun 26, 11:51 AM

oh god we aren't the only one with this problem. I got response from geez that it's server related, but we still can't tie ends and find the responsible for this happening. been a problem since 1.25 release.
are you a player or admin?

Hello Yoblyshko.
The issue you have described seems slightly different to the one reported here. Unless we misunderstood your initial report.

oh god we aren't the only one with this problem. I got response from geez that it's server related, but we still can't tie ends and find the responsible for this happening. been a problem since 1.25 release.
are you a player or admin?

Hello Yoblyshko.
The issue you have described seems slightly different to the one reported here. Unless we misunderstood your initial report.

At first disappearing started with loot, then, when I added comment to my report, we acknowledged that it happens with clothes too, along with wheels. may be I wasn't clear enough describing it, but yes, what happens in the video here is exactly our problem too

Hello Alorin.
Does this occur on private server that has password protection? If so, do you have any crash logs on client/server side after this has happened?

No, this is a public server without a password. There were no crash logs on the server side.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Thu, Jun 27, 9:06 AM