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Dayz Long Range sniping 1.25 (Feedback)
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Hello guys. Another post about long range sniping (absence of it).

Wobo in his video about SV98 said that it is capable to drop person (in uncon state) even on 700m(!!!). I only can test it on bots, but since they don't have shock damage stat they eat 5-6 rounds of 7.62x54 on 700m (If ANYBODY could confirm that they dropped a person into uncon state with one shot from SV98 on 700m+ distances on official servers please comment). SO IF THIS IS TRUE - THIS IS VERY NICE. Still rases the question of better than acog x6 scope, but even with this it is so much better than nothing.

I like how M70 (Tundra) works. Up to 400m it is amazing rifle, you can sit for 2-3 hours in the ambush but you 100% sure that all you need to do is land the bullet, rest of the work rifle will surely done itself. Even with armor on the target you have 100% 1st hit drop to uncon, and with the 2nd hit you kill it. But over ~400m you'll only waste that time in that ambush, as 1st hit won't be enough to uncon person.

2nd nice thing about m70 is suppressor - yes, it last only 3 shots but it lasts. So players have freedon of choice: go without suppressor, spend some time and get a lot of bottles/duct tape and make a lot of suppressors, OR go to the feedback tracker and cry "why no suppresson on M70???" (Normal suppressor for .308 would be nice ofc, but knowing you - thanks that you added even bottle supp).

It would be great if you gave such freedon of choice with long range sniping by finally adding something more powerfull than x54 or .308. Great example is bolt action single shot (nomag) sniper rifle. Yes, kills with 1 shot very far away, but very impractical in close quarters, as you have only 1 shot and then long reload. Plus very rare, like only 2-3 units per server and extremely rare ammo.

It is very powerfull feeling when you finally taking out a target by sniping it after few hours in the ambush. But by limiting the distance drastically you're cutting out HUGE chunk of action/possibilities/expirience/emotions and fun out of the game. I really hope that you will reconsider your politics about long range sniping and will add more powerfull caliber/rifle.

P.S. Few days ago had fight in Dambog bunker, took out 4ppl with M72, but just because they were running close to each other. And I surely will remember this for a very long time. 'Cause DayZ, what ppl love it for, as I think, 'cause it is what I love it for and play for already more than 10 years - emotions that it gives you. And back in Arma2 Dayz mod kills with M107 on insane 1,5km distances - all server applauded you in side chat, even killed guy typed "nice shot dude". So it would be great to have it back some day you know. Dayz won't be worse without it, but with it it'll surely be X times better.


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on the pic is an affordable version of 50cal rifle (single-shot/no-mag/bolt-action)

Update: SV98 as other x54/.308 rifles drops person in uncon state on 700m+, but only without any armor, with plate carries those are short ~220m, very sadly. So once you have plate carrier there are NO snipers for you, unless they're within 220m from you. This is even worse. 220m is ectremely close, compared to this 700m are light years away, and 1000m is only in dreams :(

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Thu, Jun 13, 10:19 AM

Yeah the sv98 is really really underwhelming, I recently used it in a pvp event on my server and one time I was shot square in the chest from under 200m and I didn't even drop 🤣 yes I had a plate carrier on but yeah if that was a dmr I'd have been out. I think the only thing that would have made it better would have been either giving it a proper sniper scope or making it a higher calibre like .338 but I think they wanted it to be "balanced" and in the process they made it crap

@aldworth33 It's not crap crap. The model is amazing, but in terms of practicity... yea. 338 varian would really be the best way out.