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Server performance issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hey Bohemia Interactive team. Our server is experiencing severe lag at times, which makes it really hard for players to enjoy the game. The red performance warning icon appears intermittently. I checked the RPT file and noticed there are serveral warnings, but I'm not sure what they mean or how to fix them.

Here are a few examples (file attached):

17:02:10.883 Warning Message: Trying to access error value.
17:02:10.883 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds/DefaultWorld/Weather/Overcast/'.
17:02:10.883 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds/DefaultWorld/Weather/LightingNew/C_Day60.spaceIntensity'.
17:07:41.248 !!! [CE][VehicleRespawner] (PRIAirStrike2) :: Respawning: "StaticAirStrike2" - Failed to spawn the requested amount (1 < 2) within 6 attempts.

I need help figuring out what these RPT messages mean and how to fix the performance issues. Any advice on optimizing the server to reduce lag would be greatly appreciated.

Server IP:

Thanks a lot for your time and help!


Operating System
Windows 7
Error Message

Event Timeline

huttch created this task.Jun 10 2024, 6:58 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 10 2024, 9:19 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello huttch.
These warning messages do not have any effect on performance and therefore are unrelated to what you are experiencing.

Hi Geez,

Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the clarification. However, I'd still like to understand what those errors mean and how I can fix them. Could you help me with that? Thanks again!

Geez added a comment.Jun 10 2024, 4:41 PM

Hi Geez,

Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the clarification. However, I'd still like to understand what those errors mean and how I can fix them. Could you help me with that? Thanks again!

This is not something you could fix on your end as these warning messages appear for everyone. We aim to clean them up a little for the future.

Thanks for the response, I understand. However, in another conversation, I was told:

"We've checked logs and it seems that the CE is wrongly setup, there are a lot of warnings:

We cannot say 100% how much these things do impact performance, but they do."

Maybe I misunderstood, but you mentioned that these warnings do affect performance. The issues have persisted since then, which is why I'm asking for your support to know how to fix these warnings.

Thanks for your help!

Hi Geez,

Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the clarification. However, I'd still like to understand what those errors mean and how I can fix them. Could you help me with that? Thanks again!

This is not something you could fix on your end as these warning messages appear for everyone. We aim to clean them up a little for the future.

Geez added a comment.Jun 12 2024, 10:48 AM

Hello huttch.
What you could try to pinpoint the problem is the following:
Three different setups - check if the problem persists on each of them

  • Pure Vanilla Setup
  • Setup with mods and disabled object spawner
  • Setup with mods and enabled object spawner
