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[Feature Request] (Conflict) Give points for capturing a base, even if the player only participated 50-75% of the time
Waiting for feedback from reporter, NormalPublic


Now there are situations when a player dies almost capturing the base and does not receive points for this, when the base is captured by the rest of the team at the moment of the player’s death and his appearance at the base

It seems that this is not very fair and the gaming experience could be improved


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!

Event Timeline

i know the feeling, i was once capturing the base by myself, killing all ai (i thought i did) and after that guys came with humvee (they lost the way and didnt even listen to anyone trying to help them with where to drive to capture the base, and only when they heard gunshots they know where to go) and then i just got shot from behind from "confused ai" hidden in bushes and waiting for god know what
and results was: i wasted my ammo, my time for douche-bags calling me names just for trying to help them where to go and they got exp not me

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.May 22 2024, 1:52 PM