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Xbox blur
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Hi i bought Arma reforger on xbox today
And i get a visual bug/glitch I don’t know my game is very blurry and has low textures I can’t make out who is an enemy and a teammate. I know this should be happening because my friends play reforgee on the same console (Xbox SS) and it’s way better for some reason i tried unnistalling and redownloading but it’s still the same

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T184382: Blur

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Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.May 20 2024, 1:03 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Dreamybully.
Can you please provide a video of the issue?

hi i have the same issue going on with me

Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).Jun 26 2024, 8:55 AM

I also have the same issue, unmodded. The resolution looks awful and it has nothing to do with low or high settings, it looks like you’re playing at 480p. To recreate the issue, I deleted and reinstalled the game and if Xbox shows a sync menu, you click off and cancel no matter what. After I recreated it on experimental this is what causes the issue for me. I have no other “sync saves” on base game, so now I’m stuck with this awful resolution. I’m tried everything, resetting, hard restart, deleting over and over, and simply trying to play. Nothing works.

Geez added a comment.Jun 26 2024, 9:23 AM
In T181284#2629019, @offiziellerhauptmann wrote:

I also have the same issue, unmodded. The resolution looks awful and it has nothing to do with low or high settings, it looks like you’re playing at 480p. To recreate the issue, I deleted and reinstalled the game and if Xbox shows a sync menu, you click off and cancel no matter what. After I recreated it on experimental this is what causes the issue for me. I have no other “sync saves” on base game, so now I’m stuck with this awful resolution. I’m tried everything, resetting, hard restart, deleting over and over, and simply trying to play. Nothing works.

Thank you, we will investigate on our end based on the information provided

I've been having this awful problem too.

I too have been having this problem. It came out of nowhere and I have been unable to fix it. Haven’t been able to play the game for about 2 months because of it.

Is this still being looked into? I still have this issue more than a month later.

Geez added a comment.Aug 22 2024, 11:17 AM

Hello Mcnasty.
It is still being looked into, however we had no success producing the issue based on the information we have received from various player reports.

Thank you for the answer, I wish I could help but I have no idea what caused this. The only thing I can think of is I installed the “PLXYABLE” mods for the dayz server which lead to constant crashing while trying to load up a solo gm. After this my game continued to crash upon loading up so I did I clean install. After this is when the issue began.

Unknown Object (User) added a comment.EditedAug 30 2024, 6:20 AM

After a couple months now, the problem still consists. I’ve completely avoided playing because of it. I firmly believe the way I had reproduced it earlier in the year was due to when Xbox prompts you the game sync, where it shows it syncing game data after reinstall (it usually only happens occasionally you may not see it every time every install) I would click off and cancel it quickly, load in and it would look graphically awful. I reproduced it on experimental and this is what caused it for me, yet I was able to quickly uninstall and reinstall and it fixed it. But my base game doesn’t have an “earlier game save” selection feature to access, so it’s now stuck this way. Very oddly specific bug, but it’s ruined my and other’s experiences. I hope this can be reproduced or solved by the end of the year. Nothing will fix it, it also seems to be account specific. (Side note: it’s nothing to do with graphical setting either, low 60fps setting without the bug looks better than high 30fps with it.)

Gusss added a subscriber: Gusss.Sep 9 2024, 5:08 PM

I’m having some problems with arma reforger on Xbox with the version
The graphisme are very blurry even with high resolution graphics setting, didn’t have any of this trouble in the past, background landscape even some sentences on panels are blurry, tried everything but nothing seems to fix it, officiel servers as modded aswell are still blurry.

Am still having that problem and not just that yall should put it as known issues in the arma page because blur is preventing me from playing

Whats the status of the blurry bug and are you guys really looking into it because pretty much we havent had update of it so whats the deal plus yall been real quiet

I wanna play my game right like everybody else is playing with a nice resolution and the problem is been going on for months . This what u can do get a xbox set up a account and then see difference and if it works for u then delete the game and re download it and see the difference . We the players wanna be heard because u guys are ignoring it

So geez u just gonna ignore it or what’s going on are yall gonna fix it because ur flat out ignoring us

i ain’t gonna stop asking until yall find the out the problem or fix it

Gusss added a comment.Sep 18 2024, 4:40 PM

Yo y’all gotta fix this problem, and not ignoring it, I can’t even see anything graphics are still blurry asf even with the highest resolution on Xbox.

Yo so what’s the status on this bug geez

Geez added a comment.Sep 19 2024, 12:46 PM

Hello Mcnasty.
It is still being looked into, however we had no success producing the issue based on the information we have received from various player reports.

The above still applies. If there is any piece of information that would bring us towards producing the issue, please let us know.

It’s seems though the cause of the issue differs per person. Is there some way to put out a hot fix that just forces the game into a higher resolution?

any updates on this blur

This comment was removed by Geez.
Geez added a comment.Sep 27 2024, 2:21 PM

@OTXDRAKO Personal attacks towards the team members will not hasten the procedure. Currently we were not able to produce the issue with the information provided.
Further verbal attacks will result in FT account suspension.

byNautiic added a subscriber: byNautiic.EditedSep 27 2024, 5:36 PM

@Geez Are you making sure to test the issue on Series S?
Because I am om Series X and have not ever had this issue on either low or high quality presets.

I am on xsx and am still having this issue.

I am on xsx and am still having this issue.

Have you tried testing with different HDMI and monitor?

Yea, I switched the hdmi and it was slightly better for about 30 minutes but then went back to looking like shit.

Yea, I switched the hdmi and it was slightly better for about 30 minutes but then went back to looking like shit.

Then maybe there is an issue with the HDMI port(s)?

This comment was removed by OTXDRAKO.