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Low Ready Bug
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: The 'Low Ready' Keybind functions until player is in a downed state. Following downed state (Revived / Wakes up), the keybind no longer functions as intended.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Open Game Master - Spawn an AI - Right Click AI - Take Control - Test the 'Low Ready' keybind (Works)
  2. Open Game Master - Spawn an AI - Right Click AI - Edit Properties - Adjust blood until unconscious - Save and close - Adjust blood until awake - Save and close - Take Control - Test the 'Low Ready' keybind (No longer Works)
  3. Test with other characters, keybind now seems inconsistent and fails to function half the time on keypress even when playing as different AI.


  1. Open Game Master - Spawn an AI - Right Click AI - Take Control - Test the 'Low Ready' keybind (Works)
  2. Crouch - Stand Up - Test the 'Low Ready' keybind (No longer Works)
Additional Information

I did notice that once the player wakes up from a downed state, sometimes in the bottom left will appear 'Put Away' with a UI symbol for Left Click.


From doing more testing, it seems that the Low Ready function stops working sporadically when playing / doing random things (after placing bipod, going prone, crouching, switching character, shooting a few mags etc)..

Event Timeline

Flynnruk created this task.Fri, May 17, 7:41 PM
Flynnruk edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Fri, May 17, 7:47 PM
Flynnruk edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Flynnruk edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Fri, May 17, 8:12 PM
Flynnruk edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Fri, May 17, 8:16 PM
Flynnruk edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Fri, May 17, 8:23 PM
Flynnruk edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Fri, May 17, 8:33 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, May 20, 12:36 PM