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Sniper rifles (not a feedback. but bug report)
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Hello. I'm here to report that sniping in game is in very unpleasant state. Technically I wouldn'y call it sniping, more like entry marksmaning. Distances that you can get a person on in Dayz are very limited (low) to call it sniping. Most powerful calibers in the game are not capable to do any significan't damage to players on distances greater than ~500m (by significant I mean kill with 1 bullet to the body or at least knock out). Therefore greater distances like 600, 700, 800m and more are unchreacheble at all. We have scope with enough of magnification for them (hunting one), but the only think it is good for is just spectating. Mosin rifle, SVD, new SV98 are not good for long range sniping (partly because of the scope but mostly because of low damage of 7.62x54 on that distances). Tundra and Savanna has hunting scope but .308 still critically is not enough for that distances. I don't talk about other rifles, 'cause they use even smaller calibers (ssg 5.45x39, SG with 7.62x39, Scout enev has best bullet speed multiplier but still is on thee 5.56x45). It's obvious that just cranking up stats for existing calibers will break ecosystem for other weapons that uses it, that is why the best solution would be to add higher caliber for sniper rifles (.338 / .408 / 50BMG). If not a oneshot to the body, at least the one capable to knowck player down on 700m. Stop ignoring this, it is a problem and pretty sagnificant. And the fact that you used teaser screenshot for 1.25 exp dev stream that kinda says "you will be able to use SV98 on 700m distance", and the distance you can tell by measuring it from that rooftop of a shed to helicrash / or that big yellow truck near Nadbor plant. But the fact that you used it like that says either you don't take this as a problem, or just keeping ignoring it. Another part that you used word "exotic" for standard military sniper rifle which mostly caused all this, 'cause if it wasn't about the "exotic" nobody wouldn't even start to think about higher calibers. This is my opinion, but in tearms of a long range damage releasing SV98 made zero changes. I want to repeat that this is not a feedback, this is problem (bug). Start treat it like a bug (and I don't mean just keep ignoring it). If you don't understant it like it is, here's a comparison : it's like trying to kill a a person with .22 LLR that is 250m away from you. Yes, you can hit her, but any sagnificant damage.... don't think so.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Spawn on the Livonia Server.
  2. Get to the red 2 story building on the hill near Nadbor plant (it is from the north side, up on the hill, there are also garages behind it and a small shed to the left if look south).
  3. Get on top of the shed ad look in the big yellow car direction (south east direction, to the left from the plant, another hill that is located right behind the plant to the left, there is big yellow truck on top of it and a helicrash spawn site).
  4. Measure the distance with range finder to that truck (you'll need to have range finder with charged 9v bat)
  5. Spawn any sniper rifle from the list : Mosin, SVD, SV98, Tundra M70, Savana, M14 (SVD and M14 are marksman rifles but still)
  6. Spawn best possible scope for the rifle that you chose (PU / PSO / Acogx6 / Hunter scope)
  7. Spawn a player right near that big yellow truck so you could have visual on him. (a player shoud wear no clothes at all to produce lowest possible protection from the caliber that you gonna use)
  8. Try to kill that player (doesn't matter how many shots you gonna use)

Expected result: not a 1 shot kill, also not a 1 shot ckock out.
Now project this on the real game with real players, and if this test won't help to ubderstand the problem try to repeat it with a real player instead of spawned npc.

Event Timeline

MilesDownshur edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

I just wanted to add: thank you and huge respect for all that you've done, for the ambient music, for upcomming winter map - this is more that a lot oh ppl could dream about. Still plese don't close your eyes on the problems that are left. I know no time, all are extremely busy, maybe not for now, but for the future at least note this for yourself. Dayz is a great game, but with long range sniping it will be much better (like it just became with the new ambient that a lot of folks were asking to add for a very long time)

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.May 10 2024, 10:48 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.May 10 2024, 10:54 AM

Thank you for your extensive report MilesDownshur.
I will forward this to the devs for consideration.

778 added a subscriber: 778.May 28 2024, 11:17 AM

After over a month of constant feedback through this tracker, the DayZ discord, Steam community, and Twitter, we still do not have an adequate optic for the new VS-98 rifle added in 1.25. I know the devs are aware of this issue and was hoping this would be resolved by the time the update rolled out. This leads me to believe that it is a deliberate decision by the devs to restrict the capabilities of the new rifle. It is unclear why this level of incompetence is on display, the community and myself especially would like any clarification. Failure of clarification can only lead me to believe this as a case of developer negligence. The state of long-range sniping is abysmal.