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Radio protocols when throw frag grenade won't work
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The game correctly sent a message from a unit when throws a smoke grenade, however if he throws a fragmentation grenade (no matter player or AI) unit will not say this phrase in the radio

  • see RadioProtocolBase → SentIncomingGrenade
  • and RadioProtocolBase → SentThrowingGrenade

All audio files and configs seems correct for this 2 classes, but when I throw frag grenade no any massage into radio for my team (behaviour == "COMBAT")

When trying to troubleshoot I noticed that if you change the simulation for a fragmentation grenade to a smoke grenade simulation CfgAmmo → GrenadeHand → simulation → from "shotGrenade" to "shotSmokeX" , the unit will say "Smoke Out" when throwing a fragmentation grenade, so seems in-engine issue in shotGrenade simulation


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. download repro scenario

  1. open in Eden, start preview
  2. via debug menu exec group player setBehaviour "COMBAT"; to fulfill the conditions for message sent
  3. select smoke grenade → throw, the radio protocol message work fine
  4. select frag grenade, throw → radio protocol message won't work

Event Timeline

TRAGER created this task.May 4 2024, 1:22 PM
SaMatra added a subscriber: SaMatra.May 4 2024, 1:36 PM

Found through comparison with alpha where it works, you need to have hit > 10 for it to work.

class CfgAmmo {
    class Grenade;
    class GrenadeHand:Grenade {
        hit = 10.00001;

Really weird choice but seeing that alpha uses same grenade config as OA probably means this engine part wasn't touched for years.

Since A3 mini grenade has

	class mini_Grenade: GrenadeHand
		hit = 6;

I'd suggest to fix it in the engine to have it report grenade throw over lower hit threshold (>=5?)