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[] The opposing team captures a base they have no contact with
Need More Info, NormalPublic



Operating System
Windows 10 x64

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Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Apr 19 2024, 10:58 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Can you please provide exact reproduction steps as to how does this occur? As unfortunately there is not enough information for us to go by.

Hi Geez :)

Unfortunately I don't have such steps.
I saw a notification that they were capturing a point that could not be captured, opened the map, recorded a video and created this ticket

Geez added a comment.Apr 19 2024, 11:19 AM

If you come across information as to how to produce this or what does trigger this behaviour, please let us know here.

Any news on this?

Any news on this?

Have you encountered this too?

Any news on this?

Have you encountered this too?

I have encountered other problems with bases not being capturable when they should be or not being able to spawn in them despite having antenna and supplies. I think these problems may all be related. Trying to figure out how to replicate the problem.

I have encountered other problems with bases not being capturable when they should be or not being able to spawn in them despite having antenna and supplies. I think these problems may all be related. Trying to figure out how to replicate the problem.

If possible, attach a video or at least screenshots.
This will help you understand whether the problem fits this ticket or whether you need to create a separate one.