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Slow Building
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Within ARMA Reforger, building is agonizingly slow!

Building is so slow, rarely are any of the barricades built or utilized ever.

Although there likely should be some delay or hindrance when building (eg. requiring supplies), preventing everybody from building at the same time, the long delays between starting building and completion of building are really ridiculous. Many times I find myself thinking, if I'm going to sit and waste 30-60 seconds building each object, I could find something far more useful to do with my time than play the game.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Join an official Bohemia server multiplayer game and/or ARMA Reforger Workshop.
  1. Time the building of objects, with dig animation.
  1. Denote how much time you have spent staring at a computer display, while holding down the 'F' key for building/digging, and doing nothing productive in life. I'm guessing, currently likely 15 minutes is wasted doing nothing (building), with every hour playing ARMA Reforger.
Additional Information

Suggested Fix

Either time the building of each simulated item within real life, and then adequately reduce the amount (by factor) for preventing negative experience with game play, or just set a significantly reduced default amount of time for every object.

With respect towards the current times used for building each object, I think each item build time could be readily reduced by 30% or maybe more. Having more players present when building an object only currently slightly decreases the building time, and this too as well could benefit from significant decreased building time!

Think about it... The current building times are ridiculously slow, while I think decreasing the build times would encourage players to use the objects and barricades more so. Also think the respawn and travel times usually already prevent most players from simply hitting a reset button and returning, as a barracks and other essential objects are already built upon an enemy player's return. The objects also already require significant supplies.

Event Timeline

rogerx created this task.Feb 26 2024, 8:27 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Feb 26 2024, 4:10 PM