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ads bug after new dayz update
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I am experiencing a bug in the game DayZ that is giving me a hard time with aiming down sights. Usually, I use the right mouse button to aim down sights, which works for me when I hold it down. However, after the recent update, I can only aim down sights when it is on toggle mode. This is quite frustrating for me as I am used to the old way of playing and the new method is not working for me. I would appreciate it if this issue could be addressed as soon as possible so I can continue enjoying my time playing DayZ.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, margret smith


Operating System
Windows 10
AI Aiming / Shooting
Steps To Reproduce

set toggle ads to and raise modifier to RMB usually this allows you to hold to ads but now it goes into hipfire mode

Event Timeline

I am experiencing the exact same bug! Would you like too exchange contact details so we can chat some more about this horrendous glitch in the mainframe!

Unfortunately and fortunately, I don’t have time to wait for the developers to find time to solve this issue, so I offer my solution to the aiming problem. All we need is to set up simultaneous RMB + focus on the right mouse button. This can be done using different mouse programming programs. I'm very sorry, but not all mice have this and not everyone can understand how to do it. I did this thanks to macros, first I press RMB, and then MMB with an 8ms increment. MMB is the middle mouse button, keep that in mind. She got me thinking. Well, in general, that's all. I've seen the options described above, but they all work poorly. There, either you lose focus of vision, or you need to integrate it into the game code. Or you won’t be able to jump on the usual button. See the link for a diagram of my solution.

And by the way, the developers hid my solution; they themselves don’t want us to use it)

Hi, did you guys already got a fix for this bug? I reinstalled dayz but its not working.. if i hold right mouse button it will only go into hipfire

Hi, did you guys already got a fix for this bug? I reinstalled dayz but its not working.. if i hold right mouse button it will only go into hipfire

It wont help because there is no hotfix yet.