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Low GPU utilization/clocks when enter to city.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


When I'm in the woods, for example, the usage of the card rises to 90-100% and the fps are above 150 (AMD rx 6600), but when I enter the city, the usage of the card drops to 30-40%, the clocking drops below 1000MHZ and the power consumption to 20-30W. FPS drop to 40-50. This happens regardless of city, map. I am using drivers from AMD 24.1.1 but when I used unofficial modded drivers this problem still occurred. AMD released a patch 3 years ago (21.11.3) but it has not worked for 2 years, and they do nothing about it. When I asked about this problem on the official AMD discord, they said it was the fault of the game, which is outdated. all their advice did not help. There are a lot of posts on the internet about this problem:
AMD released a patch once and they said there is nothing more they can do. Just walk into town or look in the direction of town and the gpu goes to sleep. On nvidia cards this problem does not exist.
PC specs:
radeon rx 6600 powercolor fighter
AMD ryzen 5 5600G (i turned off igpu)
2x8gb kingston 3200MHZ cl16
lexar 512gb m.2 .
B450 Aorus elite v2
CV 550W

I have not tested the experimental version.
I think it's important problem because all amd gpu users can't play dayz on good fps.
Hoping for a bug fix.



Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
win 11 23H2 build 22631.3085
Steps To Reproduce

With an AMD card and the latest drivers, enable the overlay with clocks and GPU usage indicators, turn on dayz and enter or look towards the nearest city. Look at FPS, card clocking and usage.

Additional Information

I am sending a recording of the problem. Not of my authorship. I found it by browsing the internet to find a solution.

Event Timeline

cayromx4 created this task.Feb 13 2024, 3:49 PM
cayromx4 updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 13 2024, 3:52 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Feb 14 2024, 11:59 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you, we are aware of this and we suggest that you keep an eye for the latest driver releases from AMD as it could improve on some of the future releases.

Thank you, we are aware of this and we suggest that you keep an eye for the latest driver releases from AMD as it could improve on some of the future releases.

Hi, I am afraid AMD is not aware of this problem. There have been reports about this problem for 2 years but AMD ignores these reports at all. Dayz only works on the old AMD drivers 21.11.3 which are more than 3 years old. I have reported this bug to AMD but I'm afraid it won't help.... I think bistudio should also report it because a normal user can't do anything. In the 24.1.1 driver note AMD didn't mention anything about the problem with DayZ.


Geez added a comment.Feb 14 2024, 2:38 PM

I think bistudio should also report it because a normal user can't do anything.

We did report this to AMD as well. Worry not.

cayromx4 added a comment.EditedFeb 17 2024, 12:46 PM

AMD released 24.2.1 - unfortunately DayZ issue still not fixed. However, it is thought that other gpu's do not have this issue. No one has reported this problem on the 7000 and 5000 series cards. I'm going to try dayz on vega 7.

It's not only RX 6000 cards issue..

W0lfar added a subscriber: W0lfar.Mar 21 2024, 10:12 AM

Please try to resolve this issue with AMD. I've always used their products, but this is my favorite game right now and I'm seriously considering buying a GPU from another manufacturer.