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RequestScenarioChangeTransition() does not switch addons on dedicated servers
Reviewed, NormalPublic


The addonList parameter of GamestateTransitions.RequestScenarioChangeTransition() does not seem to be working as intended on dedicated servers.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start a dedicated server.
  2. Run GamestateTransitions.RequestScenarioChangeTransition(scenario, addonList) with some extra GUID added to the addonList string.
  3. The server will load the scenario (and potentially log the specified addonList), but will not actually end up loading the added mod.
Additional Information

The same setup works correctly in Singleplayer.

Event Timeline

TilW created this task.Jan 21 2024, 1:56 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 23 2024, 5:56 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 25 2024, 3:02 PM

Hello TilW.
Would it be possible to upload logs related to this incident? Also can you please describe the reproduction method in greater detail?

TilW added a comment.EditedJan 25 2024, 6:44 PM

With "potentially log the specified addonList" I just meant the message printed in GetGame().PlayGameConfig(), a function which calls RequestScenarioChangeTransition().
It's not actually relevant to the problem other than that it confirms I did not just accidentally give it the wrong input. Apart from that, nothing is logged either way.
But here's some detailed info on how to replicate the problem:

Part A: Verify it works in Singleplayer

  1. Open Arma Reforger (standalone game - probably since you're dealing with addons, it won't work when playing from the WB).
  2. Open any scenario, like e. g. GM Everon.
  3. Either via a console or some previously created mod script, run:

I am using 595F2BF2F44836FB (RHS Status Quo) here, but you can obviously use any non-loaded mods GUID.

  1. After you ran this, it should switch to Arland and the mod should be enabled.

Part B: Verify it doesn't work on Dedicated Servers

  1. As before, start a dedicated server without mods.
  2. Run RequestScenarioChangeTransition() on the server, with the same parameters.
  3. It should still load the scenario, but the mods will not have changed this time.
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Jan 26 2024, 4:02 PM

Hello TilW
The issue you are currently experiencing is due to the fact that it is not possible to switch the addons in multiplayer scenario.
The API which is used in this case will be updated in the future releases so it will not confuse players with executing calls that are unsupported.

TilW added a comment.Jan 26 2024, 4:36 PM

Do you know if this will be supported in the future, or not at all?

Geez added a comment.Jan 29 2024, 9:37 AM

Unfortunately I cannot provide any further info.