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preprocessing a script that contains a problematic string can fail to remove comment lines
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Let's say having a SQF file that contains t his:

_a = '"' ;
// comment

Where _a contains a string with a single double quotation mark. compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ing this SQF returns an error and fails to compile because preprocessed code still have the comment.
Having both that string and a comment can cause this. No comment line there won't throw an error.


Won't Fix
Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

POLPOX created this task.Dec 25 2023, 1:12 PM
Leopard20 closed this task as Resolved.
Leopard20 changed Resolution from Open to Won't Fix.
Leopard20 added a comment.EditedDec 28 2023, 7:04 PM

Looks like every preprocessor thing still works in single quotes '
So unfortunately I don't think we can fix this, for backward compatibility.
One example would be this (tho not sure if someone even does this at all):

#define MACRO 1
_script = '
systemChat "MACRO"

call compile _script;

If it ignored double quotes " in single quotes ', calling _script would print 1 instead of MACRO
Also to expand your ticket, there are many more cases that will break the preprocessing, for example:
'// this becomes a comment'

it'll PP into just ', which is a compile error