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[Feature Request] Increasing the player limit of servers
Feedback, NormalPublic


Since the last major update ( the server performance and stability has increased significantly.
Especially servers with low AI count have a lot of resources left even under high load with 120+ players.

In fig. 1 shows the server performance with respect to the player count.
It shows that servers can run with 100 to 120 fps with the current maximum player count of 128.
Therefore it would be great if the player limit could be removed or increased by 64 players to a limit of 196.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

RamBob created this task.Dec 7 2023, 7:54 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 11 2023, 11:22 AM

to keep the post alive I tracked the player stats via the start parameter -logStats 1000 over 12 hours.
The full log is attached as zip file and the fps and player count is shown in the diagramm below.
Please keep in mind, that our mod is not optimized for performance. So there is a lot of potential to get better results.
However, its not need at the moment since everytrhing is running pretty well with 128 players.

cat added a subscriber: cat.Jan 31 2025, 4:50 AM