'green' house damage disabled by logic execution if (isServer) then {[nearestBuilding position this] findIf {_x allowDamage false}}; (server exec)
'red' house damage disabled by "Edit Terrain Object" module checkbox (same server exec (module functions work only on server) as from expample above)
'blue' house damage disabled by logic execution [nearestBuilding position this] findIf {_x allowDamage false} (i.e. global exec)
For the green & red damage was not disabled (isDamageAllowed returns false), seems ok because non-local objects. But if destroy them by (Demo Charges, Tanks, Bombs, etc.) the 3d ruin model was not spawned(created): building was destroyed (moved under world) but no ruin 3d models. But if destroy by cursorObject setDamage 1 the building was destroyed with ruin creation as designed
For the blue all ok