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Hackers on Livonia official server EU-DE 4295
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I played more than 4k hours on Livonia(EU-DE 4295 1st person), despite the huge number of cheaters, I just came to terms with it and continued playing.. But the last month has simply been unbearable to play, you can’t run around even with 10-20 people online, the player’s life expectancy is up to one hour, then a typical head shot while in the house, or all your 3-4 partners die in 5 seconds. You are trying so hard to advertise Livonia with a bunker, advertising in the menu, but the only normal vanilla server is completely unplayable. This message will not affect the official servers in any way, unfortunately.. The most annoying thing is that you see Chinese players with fresh accounts, essentially you see a cheater and you can’t do anything. A bunch of accounts like aa534563434 or bb45642323 or 29xgllllli( xgllllli - chinese mailbox), a fool knows who these people are. Some even have screenshots of cheats visible on their profiles. This is the fourth year of this circus, maybe it’s time for the developers to do something?
Below I will attach a couple of links to a “typical game on official servers”


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

Event Timeline

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Sep 13 2023, 9:48 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you, we will investigate with BattlEye.

its ok, we will wait next 4 years

Thank you, we will investigate with BattlEye.

right now a Chinese worm came in, wrote in everyone’s head and dropped the online from 60 players to 46, thank you, our beloved developers