Something I wanted to suggest is to play multiple CfgMoves animation in a time - just like Weapon Switching.
As far as I know there is no way to script similar case, so it would be a good addition, this is like Gesture but more better possibilites.
Possible syntax:
player playMoveNow ["weaponSwitchAnim","layerName"]; // animation name, layer name player animationState true; // [ ["AmovPercWhatever",""], ["weaponSwitchAnim","layerName"] ], where [animation name, layer name], layer name == "" means main anim right now player setAnimSpeedCoef ["layerName",2]; // boosts the mask'd animation player switchMove ["","layerName"]; // cancel the animation
The layer name is similar idea with cutRsc so possible to add and edit animations into an unit as many as we can.
Nice if it is introduced along with this: T157753
Not sure what should happen if we tried to play no mask animation.