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Change Request: Ruined guns auto drop to ground
Waiting for feedback from reporter, NormalPublic


Since ruined guns can not be attached to the players back,
Ruined guns should auto drop to the ground.
This becomes an issue when triple carrying (2 guns on back one in hands) and your gun is ruined (Happens a lot since 1.21 now)
The player is not able to swap to another weapon until they drop the ruined weapon, which is not a quick/easy process.

Quickly holding G is not ideal as it's easy to press the wrong key while trying to evade being shot, and tabbing to your inventory to drag the gun isn't reliable. if you tab back too quick before the animation starts you're left holding the gun still... and you can't run and are stuck walking when you're trying to avoid getting shot.

Options are basically stand still and get shot.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

Nate_LapT created this task.Aug 3 2023, 9:41 PM
Nate_LapT changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 11 x64.
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Aug 7 2023, 11:38 AM