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Can't use click and drag
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Like it says, i cant for some reason double click or click and drag on any of the items in the inventory, either in my gear in the box or on a dead opfor, X does work but none of the click buttons do, i have reset my controls to default many times and verified my game, no improvement at all

It has previously worked fine for me

My friends and I did some minor testing and the 3 of us that are having the issue have joysticks and button box interfaces while the ones its working for do not, they just have normal setups

It doesn't matter if it's played mp, dedicated server, sp or even the tutorial the whole system doesn't work, I can click to select the item but I can click and drag, or double click items, I also can't open up items on the ground like backpacks, me and the other 2 players have exactly the same issues

We are all on PC, 4 of us had no issues 3 of us could not click and drag


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

Psyko created this task.Jul 26 2023, 1:18 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Psyko and thank you for the report.
This is a known problem with the additional joysticks and button box interfaces.