Hey, I'd like to bring up something regarding the ability to respawn when unconscious.
I do not think the game should allow you to respawn if you are put unconscious, it's really the easy way out of a lot of situations.
For example, it happens very often if you try to take somebody hostage when you knock them out, or if you break their leg or just knock them out on purpose in general that they will literally just click respawn and avoid the entire situation.
I think this is a bit boring imo and it really encourages people to just avoid those types of really cool and unique encounters rather than valuing your life and trying to stick through it.
It would be way cooler if you knock somebody out that you actually have control over the situation and you have control over what to do with them. They can either go along with it or try to escape / kill you or whatever. Simply having the option to just respawn when uncon has really killed a lot of interactions in my experience.
Thanks for reading <3