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Unknown error
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


I'm sorting through various client errors and found something completely incomprehensible.

[::EvaluateImpactEffect] :: [ERROR] :: Object 'MWR_Invader' with model file: UNKNOWN_P3D_FILE.p3d has undefined 'Hit_...' material! Cannot play impact effect.
Function: 'EvaluateImpactEffect'
Stack trace:

How can I identify and solve this problem? Maybe someone has come across something similar?
I would not pay attention to this, but very often the client of the game began to crash after patch 1.21.


Operating System
Windows 10

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jun 1 2023, 2:13 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Norealname.
While there needs to be a small update done to the logs, the devs response is that this error cannot be the source of the crash.

The problem is not server crashes, players end up on the desktop without an error after the patch, at random moments

I asked the players for some logs, I'm trying to study the problem

This is the log of the player who was thrown onto the desktop right during the dialogue in the discord

Norealname added a comment.EditedJun 2 2023, 4:52 PM

@Geez Hello!
I did a lot of work tonight fixing most of the client bugs I could fix.
But unfortunately, after the update, a typical client crash occurred again, I will attach the logs of this crash, as you can see, the crash log is almost empty.

SCRIPT    (E): ScriptCallQueue::Call: Incompatible parameter '0', expected 'bool', got 'void'
SCRIPT       : [WeaponParticlesOnFire::WeaponParticlesBase] :: [INFO] :: 'CfgVehicles MWR_Suppressor Particles OnFire Ruined' does not contain a definition for 'overrideparticle'

This is the only thing that was more or less the last mistake, but I know for sure that this is just a muffler config mismatch.

	class Ruined
					onlyWithinHealthLabel[] = {4,4};
					illuminateWorld = 1;

I don't think this is causing the client to crash, so I'm asking for help with this issue.

Good afternoon, it turned out that before each client crash, the file script writes lines

SCRIPT    (E): ScriptCallQueue::Call: Incompatible parameter '0', expected 'bool', got 'void'
SCRIPT    (E): ScriptCallQueue::Call: Incompatible parameter '0', expected 'bool', got 'void'

Absolutely not sure what to do with it.

Geez added a comment.Jun 5 2023, 10:46 AM

Hello Norealname.

The dump you have provided is a crash on closing the game, so this might not be what you are looking for
Seems to be caused by a UIScriptedMenu which is possibly stored as a static ref in 3_Game

This comment was removed by Norealname.

@Geez Thank you! I will review all addons modifying 3_Game.