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Gamemaster scenario - can't interact with world entities
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In conflict mode as a gamemaster you can open door, turn on radio, etc.... in gamemaster scenario as a gamemaster you cannot interact with these interactive entity anymore ?

Would be useful, especially because AI placed into building are having a hard time opening doors.. if only they would also be smart enough to shoot from a window or we had an "order" to let them defend only from inside a building instead of trying to get out when they hear shots fired. It could also help them get inside a house full of enemy that they surround but can't get in to kill them properly.

A bot trapped in a house

That i free myself


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

RED.Misfit updated the task description. (Show Details)May 14 2023, 2:37 PM
RED.Misfit updated the task description. (Show Details)
RED.Misfit updated the task description. (Show Details)May 14 2023, 5:43 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.May 16 2023, 11:32 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Need More Info.May 29 2023, 3:39 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello RED.Misfit,
Are you running any mods? If so, which? And does this occur without any mods?

Yeah mods running, the fact was the same as a previous ticket. All mods enabling on their own before i join any server as long as the last time i play the game i had mods running.
The "disable" option in the mods management prevent the game from launching in Vanilla mode unless you think to get back to it each time you launch the game.
Looks like a mod is breaking something.

By looking at it i still noticed a little bug (100% vanilla this time ;P), entities like radio or lantern that are attached to a placed structure (like a small bunker for example) aren't editable by the gamemaster.

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Jun 1 2023, 11:22 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 19 2023, 11:02 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello again.
This should be resolved for one of the future updates.