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Mod download/version management
Assigned, NormalPublic


2 things to report :

  1. When we connect to a server, we download the mod version based on the server we're connecting. If we connect to another server that got a newer version, it will ask the player if we wants to upgrade his mod. But if you return to the previous server, there is no automatism to degrade the mod to a previous version.

Schematic :

Server A got RHS Status Quo version 1.0, player connect and will receive that version.
Then later the same player connect to Server B which host RHS Status Quo version 1.1, he'll be prompted to update the mod before connecting.
Then when he wants to get back & play to Server A he will be blocked... the game does not know how to "uninstall" and "download" the version 1.0 on its own.
I have no problem with that because i am not new to ArmA series.. but newer people can have hard time understanding what is going on. So i think something automated to downgrade mod version is needed.

  1. I've been told by an xBox player that manage a server, that even when he connects to his server with older version of the mod (because he doesn't want to get the latest version of the mod on his server), he got a prompt from the workshop to download the newer version before joining his server. He knows that he have to cancel the prompt to join again the server wihtout updating the mod in question. But apparently lots of players who join don't know about these specifics issues, because they're just player not server or mod manager and they'll oftenly download mod update even when the server they are trying to join is still on an older version. Then someone has to try and explain them how to uninstall the mod giving trouble before joining the server.

I can't pronounce myself on that one as i play only on PC. But maybe you should investigate ?


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 10 2023, 10:11 AM