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Wood plank blocking movement in prone position
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Sorry the capture is dark (even with flashlight on in daylight), the wood plank is in the middle.
Apparently you can move on it in prone (i move on it without even noticing it was there), but once on it you cannot move out of the wood plank position while in prone, you have to get crouch/stand (it's a "palette en bois" like we call it in french)


Operating System
Windows 7

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RED.Misfit updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Apr 17 2023, 2:07 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Would it be possible to upload screenshot during daylight and possibly show us the coordinates on map?

The funny thing was that it was daylight outside on the capture :D

Ray tracing would have render a brighter inside with light bouncing everywhere and not just lighting the walls/rooftop from the inside, even with the doors closed, there are big openings in the upper part. Hope you're really considering ray tracing for A4.
By the time you will release games will even have moved to path tracing like CP2077 just did (and most consummers interested in ArmA will have moved to ray tracing capable GPU, even me which have not as of today)

I did a new capture in gamemaster mode, it's only a notch brighter with full sun outside. It is inside the barn of Montignac camp to capture in Conflict.

RED.Misfit added a comment.EditedApr 17 2023, 8:56 PM

In prone we see it better. Move prone on that piece of wood, and you will get stuck on it. (Yeah i was trying to spot enemy from the small ventilation on the ground while it happened)