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Items showing in vicinity that aren’t in the vicinity, but previously were.
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Good morning, I noticed after this most recent update that items in the vicinity are showing up even though they aren’t there. Example- in the forest at my base the combo lock I unlocked was on the ground. I left it there and gathered a stick from the tree next to it. Opened vicinity and the lock and the long stick were showing. I picked up the long stick. I went to another tree about 7 or 8 jogging footsteps away and gathered firewood. When I opened the menu to pick up the firewood in the vicinity, the combo lock showed up again. It then disappeared. I was no where near the lock I had left on the ground. Anyway, just thought I’d mention that little glitch. Thank you!


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

In description above

Additional Information

I don’t know why operating system says windows 7. This glitch is showing up on my Xbox series X console.

Event Timeline

Jennrocks81 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Feb 15 2023, 2:51 PM
Jennrocks81 set Operating System Version to XBOX .

I've noticed this too. There was always an occasional glitch that when opening inventory, it would show an item in vicinity from a previous inventory screen. However this is happening now in a more severe way where the ghost item is showing for much longer.