_sidePositions = missionnamespace getvariable [_varName + str (_target call bis_fnc_objectSide),_default];
_sidePositions = missionnamespace getvariable [_varName + str (side _target),_default];
Description: Return scripted respawn positions available for the given unit Parameter(s): 0: OBJECT, GROUP, SIDE or NAMESPACE 1 (Optional): BOOL - false to return positions, true to their names (default: false) NUMBER - 1 to return positions, 2 to return their names, 3 to return show info
_target = _this param [0,player,[objnull,grpnull,sideunknown,missionnamespace]]; ... switch (typename _target) do { case (typename objnull): { _objectPositions = if (isnull _target) then {_default} else {_target getvariable [_varName,_default]}; _groupPositions = if (isnull group _target) then {_default} else {(group _target) getvariable [_varName,_default]}; _sidePositions = missionnamespace getvariable [_varName + str (_target call bis_fnc_objectSide),_default]; }; case (typename grpnull): { _groupPositions = if (isnull _target) then {_default} else {(_target) getvariable [_varName,_default]}; _sidePositions = missionnamespace getvariable [_varName + str (_target call bis_fnc_objectSide),_default]; };
so currently if you supply a group, it tries to _target call bis_fnc_objectSide
however p:\A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf
/* Author: Karel Moricky Description: Returns object side as defined in config (i.e., not affected by dynamic changing) Parameter(s): 0: OBJECT 1: BOOL - false (default) to return actual object side, true to return the default one (set in config) Returns: SIDE */ private ["_object","_static"]; _object = _this param [0,objnull,[objnull]]; _static = _this param [1,false,[false]]; if (_static) then { (getnumber (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _object >> "side")) call bis_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object getvariable ["bis_fnc_objectside_side",side _object] } else { if (isnull group _object) then {side _object} else {side group _object} }; };
breaks with
Error in expression < ["_object","_static"]; _object = _this param [0,objnull,[objnull]]; _static = _> Error position: <param [0,objnull,[objnull]]; _static = _> Error Type Group, expected Object File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf..., line 16 ➥ Context: ... [] L45 (A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_getRespawnPositions.sqf) [] L53 (A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_getRespawnPositions.sqf) [] L19 (A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf)