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Arland VS Everon Server Stability
Closed, ResolvedPublic


So I reported in this feedback tracker that server stability is pretty well gone, this was while playing Arland.

Everon seems to have better stability.

Out of the games I've played in the last week alongside a few others, Arland servers desync out for sometimes upwards of 5 minutes. Meanwhile the Everon servers only seem to have a small amount of issues now compared to Arland.

As an example, last night my buddy and I played both Everon Conflict and Arland, we had to leave Arland servers the majority of the time, and only got 1 game done on Arland, meanwhile on the Everon server we were able to play for an hour + without any issues.

Something with the Arland coding is causing some of these server issues, these were on Everon at one point but have since it looks like been patched and fixed.

When I experience the lag in and others do as well, is when someone is spawning a vehicle in, building a base part, or sometimes even when we're just talking on voice it can trigger it (Unless someone else is building something or spawning a car which seem to be the main causes of it).

Arland nearly every single game will desync completely at least one. During those desyncs you cannot switch weapons, you cannot reload, and you cannot pick up objects as the server is not able to sync all clients. Now this has been around since OFP, and this almost reminds me of overmodded OFP.

I also have a server owner who will back me 100% on this that Arland crashes constantly as well, I think he has logs if you guys want I can contact him for those to be attached.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Spawn a vehicle, or building and the server will crash at some point, usually near the start of the game or the mid of the game, but it happens randomly and will happen every time.

Event Timeline

falcon91 created this task.Jan 16 2023, 8:23 PM
falcon91 changed Category from General to Server.
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 18 2023, 1:28 PM
falcon91 added a subscriber: Geez.Apr 19 2023, 1:58 AM

This seems to have been fixed with the last update, I haven't run into a server hang at all since I've been playing again. @Geez

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Apr 19 2023, 9:38 AM
Geez claimed this task.

@Geez please reopen this, for both maps now the original frequent kicks are back. I can't play more than 20 minutes now, checked all my end for network issues and none are recorded in the logs.