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server crash on launch
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I have a problem for the first launch of my server on linux

The server crashes and does not launch, I do not see in the logs what could create this problem

14:07:06:682 ENGINE       : Initializing engine.
14:07:06:682 ENGINE       : CLI Params: -config /home/arma/serverfiles/armarserver_config.json -profile /home/arma/serverfiles/profiles/server -maxFPS 60 
14:07:06:709 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
14:07:06:709 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name core
14:07:06:709 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
14:07:06:762 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
14:07:06:810 RENDER       : Basic screen setup:
14:07:06:810 RENDER       :   Back buffer width x height: 0x0
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Back buffer format	       : TEXFMT_UNKNOWN (0)
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   MSAA                      : none
14:07:06:811 RENDER       : Detected 1 output devices:
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Dummy output (Dummy device for our dummy render.), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0)
14:07:06:811 RENDER       : GPU_DUMMY (0xFFFF) (Enfusion dummy render) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 128MB (fast 128MB), shared 128MB, driver version 0, stereo not available
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Multithreaded resource creation is not supported
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Multithreaded command buffers are not supported
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Compute units are not supported
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Structured buffers are not supported
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Concurrent frames limit 2
14:07:06:811 RENDER       :   Shader precision support 16bit is not supported
14:07:06:811 ENGINE       : Job system settings: coreCount=8, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3
14:07:06:849 AUDIO        : Audio device created
14:07:06:851 ENGINE       : Initializing inputs.
14:07:06:854 NETWORK      : Initializing networking.
14:07:06:855 SCRIPT       : Initializing scripts
14:07:06:855  SCRIPT       : ScriptProjectManager init
14:07:06:855  PROFILING    : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.014000 ms
14:07:06:876 PROFILING    : Initializing scripts took: 21.871000 ms
14:07:06:877 ENGINE       : Enfusion engine successfully created.
14:07:06:877 GUI          : Using default language (en_us)
14:07:06:877 GUI          : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
14:07:06:877 INIT         : Loading StringTable
14:07:06:887 PROFILING    : Loading StringTable took: 9.591000 ms
14:07:06:887 SCRIPT       : Compiling GameLib scripts
14:07:06:909 PROFILING    : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 22.510000 ms
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ScreenEffects/Suppression/suppressionVignette_alphaMask200.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
14:07:06:910 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
14:07:06:911 SCRIPT       : Compiling Game scripts
14:07:08:051 PROFILING    : Compiling Game scripts took: 1140.451000 ms
14:07:08:103 INIT         : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-12-08 23:01:42 UTC.
14:07:08:111 ENGINE    (E): BackendDebug:: cannot create directory ($profile:.backend/)
14:07:08:116 SCRIPT       : Profile - Using MachineName!
14:07:08:315 NETWORK      : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
14:07:08:414 BACKEND      : Required addons are ready to use.
14:07:08:414 SCRIPT       : OnMissionSet
14:07:08:414 WORLD        : Entities load @"{9DF143A76F5C6460}worlds/MP/CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent"
14:07:08:950  WORLD        : Subscene load @"{853E92315D1D9EFE}worlds/Eden/Eden.ent"
14:07:08:950   RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/"
14:07:08:950    WORLD        : Entity prefab load @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/"
14:07:08:950     WORLD     (E): Unknown keyword/data 'oneAngle' at offset 491(0x1eb)
14:07:09:261 PROFILING    : Entities load took: 846.799000 ms
14:07:09:261 WORLD        : Game::LoadEntities
14:07:09:277  WORLD        : Preload
14:07:09:347  PROFILING    : Preload took: 69.188000 ms
14:07:09:347  WORLD        : Wait for preloading data
14:07:10:799  PROFILING    : Wait for preloading data took: 1452.106000 ms
14:07:10:799  WORLD        : CreateEntities
14:07:10:799   WORLD        : CreateEntities
14:07:10:799    WORLD        : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
14:07:10:800     RESOURCES    : Loaded mission headers from 2 addon(s)!
14:07:10:800    PROFILING    : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.934000 ms
14:07:10:804    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1" ('world', GenericWorldEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
14:07:10:804     RENDER    (E): Material Terrains/Common/Water/Ocean/Simulation/bumpSim.emat can't be use for ocean simulation, not compatible material class (MaterialClass)
14:07:10:806    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Eden', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
14:07:10:806     PROFILING    : Terrain load
14:07:12:449     PROFILING    : Terrain load took: 1643.647000 ms
14:07:16:209    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:773103" ('SCR_DestructibleEntity') at <7543.137207 137.700989 4752.210449>
14:07:16:209     ENTITY    (E): Destructible SCR_DestructibleEntityClass first phase has a threshold != 1, value will be overwritten
14:07:17:411    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001759" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
14:07:17:411     RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{AB7FC5591A5521D9}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x58.xob"
14:07:17:411      RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
14:07:17:412    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001760" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
14:07:17:412     RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{32617CC007B21049}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x72.xob"
14:07:17:412      RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
14:07:17:820    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1102640" ('StaticModelEntity') at <4955.812988 17.403893 4052.177979>
14:07:17:820     MATERIAL  (E): Object @"Assets/Structures/Cultural/Calvaries/CalvaryLarge_01/CalvaryLarge_01.xob" - cannot load material @"system/wbdata/PreviewWindow/TransparentMat.emat", creating default one (class MatPBRBasic)
14:07:18:068    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151409" ('RoadEntity') at <4773.007812 27.417000 11115.359375>
14:07:18:068     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151409").
14:07:18:068    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151411" ('RoadEntity') at <4772.949219 27.417000 11115.565430>
14:07:18:068     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151411").
14:07:18:068    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151413" ('RoadEntity') at <4770.958008 25.190001 11958.533203>
14:07:18:068     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151413").
14:07:22:926    NETWORK      : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits.
14:07:22:999    WORLD        : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
14:07:22:999    PROFILING    : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.004000 ms
14:07:22:999    WORLD        : InitEntities 'world'
14:07:22:999     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_MapEntity1', SCR_MapEntity) at <6400.000000 0.000000 6400.000000> @"{E1B88C66BF6CA1F9}Prefabs/World/Game/"
14:07:22:999      SCRIPT    (W): SCR_MapEntity: Cannot get the size from terrain. Using default.
14:07:23:424     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213695780" ('StartingPos02', SCR_CampaignBase) at <2949.187988 90.764000 4838.723145>
14:07:23:425      SCRIPT       : USSR MOB set up in StartingPos02
14:07:23:426     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213695788" ('StartingPos04', SCR_CampaignBase) at <7845.081055 151.781006 4674.333008>
14:07:23:426      SCRIPT       : US MOB set up in StartingPos04
14:07:23:455     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696463" ('MajorBaseChotain', SCR_CampaignBase) at <7445.591797 12.154000 6686.761230>
14:07:23:455      SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot ChotainHarbor_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Chotain!
14:07:23:457     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696547" ('MajorBaseLamentin', SCR_CampaignBase) at <1081.802979 7.091000 6013.407227>
14:07:23:457      SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot Lamentin_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Lamentin!
14:07:23:486    WORLD        : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
14:07:23:486     TERRAIN      : Initializing road networks...
14:07:23:489     PROFILING    : Initializing road networks... took: 2.499000 ms
14:07:23:622    PROFILING    : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 136.252000 ms
14:07:23:622   PROFILING    : CreateEntities took: 12823.292000 ms
14:07:23:622  PROFILING    : CreateEntities took: 12823.332000 ms
14:07:23:622  WORLD        : Wait for preloading data around camera
14:07:23:622  PROFILING    : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 0.001000 ms
14:07:23:622  WORLD        : EOnActivate
14:07:23:623  PROFILING    : EOnActivate took: 0.793000 ms
14:07:23:623 PROFILING    : Game::LoadEntities took: 14361.931000 ms
14:07:23:727 NETWORK      : RPL listen address requested: ''
14:07:23:785 NETWORK      : Starting RPL server, listening on address, fastValidation=true
14:07:23:884 DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: Loading BattlEye library from path '/home/arma/serverfiles/battleye/'.
14:07:23:885 DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: 'Initialized (v1.220, Arma Reforger'
14:07:23:885 DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: Initialized.
14:07:23:885 DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: 'Config entry: GameID armar
14:07:23:885 DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: 'Config entry: MasterPort 2001'
14:07:24:380 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
14:07:24:380 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[1] Error - Cannot send request
14:07:24:678 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
14:07:24:678 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[2] Error - Cannot send request
14:07:29:932 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
14:07:29:932 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[3] Error - Cannot send request
14:07:35:185 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
14:07:35:185 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[4] Error - Cannot send request
14:07:40:340 ENGINE    (E): Unable to initialize the game
14:07:41:952 DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: Done.
14:07:41:953 RPL          : Pip::Terminate
14:07:41:953 RPL          : IReplication:: Terminating
14:07:41:964 ENGINE       : Game destroyed.
14:07:42:043 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
14:07:42:043 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds   1


Operating System
Linux x64
Operating System Version
Rocky Linux (centos)

Event Timeline

oen created this task.Jan 2 2023, 8:34 PM
oen changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.Jan 4 2023, 12:38 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 4 2023, 2:17 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Need More Info.Feb 13 2023, 9:34 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello oen.
Do you still experience this problem? Have you tried to disable BattlEye?

oen added a comment.Feb 14 2023, 9:40 PM

Hi Geez

yes with or without battleye the problem is the same
I did a test with Centos 8 and Rockylinux 9
one machine at home the other at a host
I can't identify where the problem with the logs can come from

21:32:23:487 ENGINE       : Initializing engine.
21:32:23:487 ENGINE       : CLI Params: -config /home/arma/serverfiles/armarserver_config.json -profile /home/arma/serverfiles/profiles/server -maxFPS 60 
21:32:23:515 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
21:32:23:516 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name core
21:32:23:516 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
21:32:23:571 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
21:32:23:620 GameProject load
21:32:23:620  ENGINE       : Addon dirs:
21:32:23:620   ENGINE       : dir: './addons'
21:32:23:620  ENGINE       : Available addons:
21:32:23:620   ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859'
21:32:23:620   ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C'
21:32:23:620  ENGINE       : Loaded addons:
21:32:23:620   ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C'
21:32:23:620   ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859'
21:32:23:620 RENDER       : Basic screen setup:
21:32:23:620 RENDER       :   Back buffer width x height: 0x0
21:32:23:620 RENDER       :   Back buffer format	       : TEXFMT_UNKNOWN (0)
21:32:23:620 RENDER       :   MSAA                      : none
21:32:23:620 RENDER       : Detected 1 output devices:
21:32:23:620 RENDER       :   Dummy output (Dummy device for our dummy render.), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0)
21:32:23:620 RENDER       : GPU_DUMMY (0xFFFF) (Enfusion dummy render) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 128MB (fast 128MB), shared 128MB, driver version 0, stereo not available
21:32:23:620 RENDER       :   Multithreaded resource creation is not supported
21:32:23:620 RENDER       :   Multithreaded command buffers are not supported
21:32:23:621 RENDER       :   Compute units are not supported
21:32:23:621 RENDER       :   Structured buffers are not supported
21:32:23:621 RENDER       :   Concurrent frames limit 2
21:32:23:621 RENDER       :   Shader precision support 16bit is not supported
21:32:23:621 ENGINE       : Job system settings: coreCount=8, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3
21:32:23:665 AUDIO        : Audio device created
21:32:23:667 ENGINE       : Initializing inputs.
21:32:23:671 NETWORK      : Initializing networking.
21:32:23:671 SCRIPT       : Initializing scripts
21:32:23:671  SCRIPT       : ScriptProjectManager init
21:32:23:671  PROFILING    : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.037000 ms
21:32:23:696 PROFILING    : Initializing scripts took: 25.593000 ms
21:32:23:697 ENGINE       : Enfusion engine successfully created.
21:32:23:697 GUI          : Using default language (en_us)
21:32:23:697 GUI          : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
21:32:23:697 INIT         : Loading StringTable
21:32:23:709 PROFILING    : Loading StringTable took: 12.080000 ms
21:32:23:709 SCRIPT       : Compiling GameLib scripts
21:32:23:734 PROFILING    : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 24.057000 ms
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
21:32:23:734 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ScreenEffects/Suppression/suppressionVignette_alphaMask200.edds'
21:32:23:735 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
21:32:23:735 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
21:32:23:735 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
21:32:23:735 SCRIPT       : Compiling Game scripts
21:32:24:905 PROFILING    : Compiling Game scripts took: 1169.973000 ms
21:32:24:926 INIT         : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2023-01-07 20:14:26 UTC.
21:32:24:940 ENGINE    (E): BackendDebug:: cannot create directory ($profile:.backend/)
21:32:24:946 SCRIPT       : Profile - Using MachineName!
21:32:25:145 NETWORK      : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
21:32:25:244 BACKEND      : Required addons are ready to use.
21:32:25:244 SCRIPT       : OnMissionSet
21:32:25:248 WORLD        : Entities load @"{9DF143A76F5C6460}worlds/MP/CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent"
21:32:25:837  WORLD        : Subscene load @"{853E92315D1D9EFE}worlds/Eden/Eden.ent"
21:32:25:837   RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/"
21:32:25:837    WORLD        : Entity prefab load @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/"
21:32:25:837     WORLD     (E): Unknown keyword/data 'oneAngle' at offset 491(0x1eb)
21:32:26:178 PROFILING    : Entities load took: 930.582000 ms
21:32:26:178 WORLD        : Game::LoadEntities
21:32:26:196  WORLD        : Preload
21:32:26:338  PROFILING    : Preload took: 142.051000 ms
21:32:26:338  WORLD        : Wait for preloading data
21:32:27:940  PROFILING    : Wait for preloading data took: 1602.278000 ms
21:32:27:940  WORLD        : CreateEntities
21:32:27:940   WORLD        : CreateEntities
21:32:27:940    WORLD        : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
21:32:27:941     RESOURCES    : Loaded mission headers from 2 addon(s)!
21:32:27:941    PROFILING    : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.921000 ms
21:32:27:945    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1" ('world', GenericWorldEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
21:32:27:945     RENDER    (E): Material Terrains/Common/Water/Ocean/Simulation/bumpSim.emat can't be use for ocean simulation, not compatible material class (MaterialClass)
21:32:27:947    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Eden', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
21:32:27:947     PROFILING    : Terrain load
21:32:29:932     PROFILING    : Terrain load took: 1984.612000 ms
21:32:33:719    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:773103" ('SCR_DestructibleEntity') at <7543.137207 137.700989 4752.210449>
21:32:33:719     ENTITY    (E): Destructible SCR_DestructibleEntityClass first phase has a threshold != 1, value will be overwritten
21:32:34:926    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001759" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
21:32:34:926     RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{AB7FC5591A5521D9}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x58.xob"
21:32:34:926      RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
21:32:34:926    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001760" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
21:32:34:926     RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{32617CC007B21049}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x72.xob"
21:32:34:926      RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
21:32:35:338    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1102640" ('StaticModelEntity') at <4955.812988 17.403893 4052.177979>
21:32:35:338     MATERIAL  (E): Object @"Assets/Structures/Cultural/Calvaries/CalvaryLarge_01/CalvaryLarge_01.xob" - cannot load material @"system/wbdata/PreviewWindow/TransparentMat.emat", creating default one (class MatPBRBasic)
21:32:35:587    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151409" ('RoadEntity') at <4773.007812 27.417000 11115.359375>
21:32:35:587     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151409").
21:32:35:587    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151411" ('RoadEntity') at <4772.949219 27.417000 11115.565430>
21:32:35:587     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151411").
21:32:35:587    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151413" ('RoadEntity') at <4770.958008 25.190001 11958.533203>
21:32:35:587     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151413").
21:32:40:515    NETWORK      : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits.
21:32:40:597    WORLD        : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
21:32:40:597    PROFILING    : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.005000 ms
21:32:40:597    WORLD        : InitEntities 'world'
21:32:40:597     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_MapEntity1', SCR_MapEntity) at <6400.000000 0.000000 6400.000000> @"{E1B88C66BF6CA1F9}Prefabs/World/Game/"
21:32:40:597      SCRIPT    (W): SCR_MapEntity: Cannot get the size from terrain. Using default.
21:32:41:029     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213695780" ('StartingPos02', SCR_CampaignBase) at <2949.187988 90.764000 4838.723145>
21:32:41:029      SCRIPT       : US MOB set up in StartingPos02
21:32:41:030     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213695788" ('StartingPos04', SCR_CampaignBase) at <7845.081055 151.781006 4674.333008>
21:32:41:030      SCRIPT       : USSR MOB set up in StartingPos04
21:32:41:059     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696463" ('MajorBaseChotain', SCR_CampaignBase) at <7445.591797 12.154000 6686.761230>
21:32:41:059      SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot ChotainHarbor_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Chotain!
21:32:41:061     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696547" ('MajorBaseLamentin', SCR_CampaignBase) at <1081.802979 7.091000 6013.407227>
21:32:41:061      SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot Lamentin_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Lamentin!
21:32:41:090    WORLD        : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
21:32:41:090     TERRAIN      : Initializing road networks...
21:32:41:093     PROFILING    : Initializing road networks... took: 2.462000 ms
21:32:41:219    PROFILING    : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 128.962000 ms
21:32:41:220   PROFILING    : CreateEntities took: 13279.293000 ms
21:32:41:220  PROFILING    : CreateEntities took: 13279.330000 ms
21:32:41:220  WORLD        : EOnActivate
21:32:41:220  PROFILING    : EOnActivate took: 0.684000 ms
21:32:41:220 PROFILING    : Game::LoadEntities took: 15042.065000 ms
21:32:41:326 NETWORK      : RPL listen address requested: ''
21:32:41:410 NETWORK      : Starting RPL server, listening on address, fastValidation=true
21:32:42:005 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
21:32:42:005 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[1] Error - Cannot send request
21:32:42:303 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
21:32:42:303 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[2] Error - Cannot send request
21:32:47:557 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
21:32:47:557 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[3] Error - Cannot send request
21:32:52:810 BACKEND   (E): Http Error (BAD_REQUEST)
21:32:52:810 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[4] Error - Cannot send request
21:32:57:965 ENGINE    (E): Unable to initialize the game
21:32:59:438 RPL          : Pip::Terminate
21:32:59:438 RPL          : IReplication:: Terminating
21:32:59:449 ENGINE       : Game destroyed.
21:32:59:528 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
21:32:59:528 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds   1
dontbanme added a subscriber: dontbanme.EditedMar 3 2024, 8:10 AM

Also having this error, well almost (I'm getting more details in my errors) attempting to launch the Arma Reforger Experimental server on linux Rocky 9.3. Installed via lgsm
BattleEye Disabled.
using -logLevel verbose
I have verified the user running the command can execute a curl command with ssl

 curl -I -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
*  CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
* TLSv1.0 (OUT), TLS header, Certificate Status (22):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Certificate Status (22):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* ALPN, server accepted to use h2
* Server certificate:
*  subject: CN=*
*  start date: Feb  5 08:03:56 2024 GMT
*  expire date: Apr 29 08:03:55 2024 GMT
*  subjectAltName: host "" matched cert's ""
*  issuer: C=US; O=Google Trust Services LLC; CN=GTS CA 1C3
*  SSL certificate verify ok.
* Using HTTP2, server supports multi-use
* Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed)
* Copying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=0
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* Using Stream ID: 1 (easy handle 0x55adf4b5a220)
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23):
> Host:
> user-agent: curl/7.76.1
> accept: */*
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
* old SSL session ID is stale, removing
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23):
< HTTP/2 301
HTTP/2 301
< location:
< content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< content-security-policy-report-only: object-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'nonce-EWNA8_UeigriNbg4jQk-FA' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https: http:;report-uri
content-security-policy-report-only: object-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'nonce-EWNA8_UeigriNbg4jQk-FA' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https: http:;report-uri
< date: Sun, 03 Mar 2024 06:04:04 GMT
date: Sun, 03 Mar 2024 06:04:04 GMT
< expires: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 06:04:04 GMT
expires: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 06:04:04 GMT
< cache-control: public, max-age=2592000
cache-control: public, max-age=2592000
< server: gws
server: gws
< content-length: 220
content-length: 220
< x-xss-protection: 0
x-xss-protection: 0
< x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
< alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
NETWORK      : RPL listen address requested: ''
NETWORK      : Starting RPL server, listening on address, fastValidation=true
BACKEND   (E): Curl error=Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[1] TYPE:[EBREQ_GAMECONFIG_List] Error - Cannot send request
BACKEND   (E): Curl error=Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[2] TYPE:[EBREQ_GAMECONFIG_List] Error - Cannot send request
BACKEND   (E): Curl error=Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[3] TYPE:[EBREQ_GAMECONFIG_List] Error - Cannot send request
BACKEND   (E): Curl error=Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[4] TYPE:[EBREQ_GAMECONFIG_List] Error - Cannot send request
RPL          : IReplication:: Finishing...
RPL          : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame
 RPL          : IReplication: Finished
RPL          : Pip::Destroy
ENGINE    (E): Unable to initialize the game
ENGINE    (E): BackendDebug:: HttpClient Cleanup
ENGINE       : Game destroyed.
RPL          : Pip::Destroy
RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds   1