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1.19 player gets heatbuffer bonus automatically
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Since the update of 1.19, the player gets automatically the heatbuffer status.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. spawn a fresh character and enter any vehicle (hatchback_02 for example). a fresh spawn is often cold, but initial temperature does not matter
  2. enter the vehicle and start driving. any speed. any location or direction.
  3. the temparature gauge is showing white shortly after entering the vehicle without any arrow up or down which would indicate a change in temperature
  4. after a couple of minutes, the character gains the heatbuffer bonus
Additional Information

Reproduction can be done in vanilla without mods. (Livonia)

It make no difference in case "constants.c" -> Class GameConstants -> ENVIRO_TEMPERATURE_INSIDE_COEF & ENVIRO_TEMPERATURE_INSIDE_VEHICLE_COEF is being modified or even set to 0. The character still gets the heatbuffer bonus shortly.

Event Timeline

Wondo created this task.Oct 21 2022, 10:14 PM
Wondo added a comment.Oct 22 2022, 8:20 AM

Adding the following info after some more testing:
The temperature is not being reset or updated after the player has exited the vehicle. it will stay on this level, regardless of environment temperature even without the heatbuffer symbol active.

Cars heat you up now. They are supposed to give you heat buffer.

are these not running cars?

Wondo added a comment.Oct 24 2022, 7:29 AM

Is it expected that the temperature is not updated correctly after you exit the car ? (after you loose the heat buffer )

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 24 2022, 11:50 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Oct 31 2022, 11:27 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello everyone.
Cars and Generators now give you heat buff - that is as designed. We also have tested the claim that the heat buff does not go away and we could not produce this on our end - you get the buff for the same amount of time as you do from fireplace.
