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Dayz 1.19 Experimental
Reviewed, NormalPublic


New BK-12 shotgun (one shot/single barrel) is useless. Not as a weapon, but as a new shot gun. If you add something it has to have some feature or purpose. 1.18 has saiga, BK-133, BK-43 with initspeed multipliers 1/1.25/1.25. So, double barrel BK-43 makes same damage as new BK-12, but has 2 shots instead of one. Means BK-12 is BK-43 with only one barrel. At first I thought you guys gonna make initspeed multipliers equals 1.5, like it's gonna be deadliest shotgun in the game (one shot one kill, or at least biggest damage among all shotguns), so that would make sense: deadly, but only one shot, if you wanna gain you also have loose something. Which is a great principle, like with ghilly for example, wanna be less noticeable - loose backpack. But no, no purpose/feature/advantage at all. It's just a new model, that's it. In that case you should have brought Remington with picatinny rail, that is dusting on the shelf of unreleased weapons. Anf the features woud be possibility to add nato scopes/flashlight. Honestly, sticking that doctrine is a bad choice. SSG82 at least has nice integrated scope. Yes, it's still low tier sniper, but it has its features. BK-12 - useless. Unless you'll make insane spawnrate for it, so you could find it literally in every house, but even that wouldn't save it. I'm not hater, just trying to help to improve the game, and you can call me stupid, but right now BK-12 is low end BK-43. Plus, if you're not going to fix it - it took the slot of some other new weapon. So yea, please, think about it.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

It adds a challenge if that's your first gun.
Make your single shot count.

JerryK added a subscriber: JerryK.Oct 9 2022, 7:39 PM

It's supposed to be a bad gun that is easy to find, same like BK-18.

Why should it be stronger just because it has a single barrel? IF anything Double Barrel deserves to be much more rare just because it's so strong.

While it's a bad gun and not interesting, it's still a good addition to the game.

Adds challange... suppose to be a bad gun... Why should it be stronger just because it has a single barrel?... You don't get it, that's a shame. They imported second bk-43 with a single burrel, and you all be like "yea! cool! we need more same guns!". BK-43 is Izh-43 IRL, so if this is a new meta - let's import all Izh-43 variations (Izh-43E / Izh-43M / Izh-43EM / Izh-43S / Izh-43E1SM / Izh-43KH). And all the differences that will be between them are different end name letters and some small visual details. And in a config way those all will be the same. And Jerry, go google the list of unreleased dayz weapons, you will be surprised. And those are only that have 3d models in the current version of the game. I've recently checked 0,61 client, and there was sounds for SCAR (MK.20) and MK rifles. And AK-101 had to have additional very nive green/dark green camo, and a mounting rail that goes on iron shight place and can hold that small scope that attaches to the pistol. So you can see how drastically the games features were reduced (because "oh, they will take it even this way anyway"). And yet it is still one of the greatest games I ever played. But I doubt this guys like what they're doing anymore. Sumrak couldn't even prepare properly for experimental 1.19 showcase stream, got sick in the first half, and rest of the stream was all blurry because of it, and it's such fun to watch it all blurry, right Sumrak? But who am I talking to?, you are glad to have another BK-43.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Oct 10 2022, 10:04 AM