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Arma Reforger Tool does not list Official Capture & Hold mod any more
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I don't know when this happened, but I would say that an update within the last 6 to 8 weeks caused this:

Before, it was pretty easy to setup a CAH scenario which is based on the Bohemia Capture & Hold mod by selecting the dependency at the New Project screen. There are some nice YouTube videos about that and I published three scenarios to the community.

The option at the dependency selection now is gone and to make it even worse: I am not able to edit my existing CAH scenarios anymore.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  • download official Bohemia mod in Reforger Worshop
  • start Reforger Tools
  • create a new project

--> realize that you cannot select the dependency as it was some weeks ago

Event Timeline

Snake1984 renamed this task from Arma Reforger Toos not listed to Arma Reforger Tool does not listed.
Snake1984 renamed this task from Arma Reforger Tool does not listed to Arma Reforger Tool does not list Official Capture & Hold mod any more .Sep 21 2022, 11:41 PM
Snake1984 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Snake1984 changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
Snake1984 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Snake1984 updated the task description. (Show Details)

Few patches ago Reforger game mods & Workbench mods (aka projects) were separated and right now both Reforger game ( %userprofile%/Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger ) & Reforger tools ( %userprofile%/Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench) are using two separate profiles. This change was made on purpose since users developing mods could accidentally join server with their local, non packed data or even modify content of packed addon (gproj or resource.rdb can be changed)

In any case, right now it is necessary to add any project that you want to use as dependency via "Add Project" button in Enfusion Workbench Launcher - after that you should be able to launch C&H or dependent mods as before

reyhard changed the task status from New to Feedback.Sep 22 2022, 10:21 AM
Geez changed the task status from Feedback to Reviewed.Sep 22 2022, 10:24 AM

@reyhard: Thank you so much. By adding C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons\591AF5BDA9F7CE8B it works.

Anyhow, I believe that this is a bug: When you have not added the CAH manually and open an existing project with this dependency, there is no error but you won’t be able to edit it.

Are you sure that addon is loaded in such case? When dependency is not found, Workbench cannot initalize itself. It is using then fallback solution which means loading bare Workbench with just Reforger data

You are right: It is not loaded. Imagine you don’t know anything about this topic, load a scenario that has dependencies that you have not loaded before. How would you understand that you need to load the dependencies and which they are. Workbench should give an error message about the missing dependencies.

Tex903 added a subscriber: Tex903.Mon, Mar 10, 5:52 AM
This comment was removed by Tex903.

Is there a way to log into admin panel and use gm