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2 LOVELY SUGGESTIONS: (1)Improvised Noise makers for infected distractions \ Tripwire tin can traps. A new dual purpose for tin cans. IN ADDTION: (2)Decoy Grenade in the same concept
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Would be golden, for a consistent STRONGER distraction method, without a long going ringing outcome like clocks and timers.

We could harvest tin cans from foods (restoring the good ol' dayz mod tin can purposefulness) for making those noise makers with rope, which would produce a LOUD noisemaker, which will attract a louder radius rather than the usual impact of an item.

Tin cans could be used too for some lovely tripwire traps, notifying us of intruders at our bases.

If I play namalsk, and camp in the forest for the night, I'd place some of those tincan tripwires around to notify me if someone is sneaking up on me.
If I play chernarus and just camp myself a night, in the construction site, I'll trip wire the entrance with a noisemaker tin can.
Then just pick em up in the morning, like any other tripwire trap.

Survival aspect buffed and exhalted :)

ANOTHER idea is the decoy grenade, that is meant to spook players with a false boom (just empty gunpowder or maybe something else genius that the devs might invent? :) )
false boom can also be just as distracting as a normal grenade, but THINK OF THE POTENTIAL.
Tripwire heartattack, or something as a room clearing false grenade, will definitely spice up the player thought knowing that there are decoy grenades as well. With a decietful fake explosion.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information

i love you bohemia, every single update is such a lovely advancement, especially worldmap interactionwise and survival

I would REALLY suggest the devs to try and enjoy themselves a game called Neo Scavenger. Even just for a short bit.
It would REALLY enhance a perspective over a pure survival element of world interaction and foraging. From how makeshift traps are beneficial for night camping, and to world interaction.

Just like it enhanced my survival games enthusiasm, I am sure it will also enhance yours :)

Event Timeline

alexsys created this task.Jun 24 2022, 12:52 PM
alexsys renamed this task from SUGGESTION: Improvised Noise makers for infected distractions. to SUGGESTION: Improvised Noise makers for infected distractions \ Tripwire tin can traps. A new dual purpose for tin cans..Jun 24 2022, 12:56 PM
alexsys updated the task description. (Show Details)
alexsys edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
alexsys edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 24 2022, 1:26 PM
alexsys renamed this task from SUGGESTION: Improvised Noise makers for infected distractions \ Tripwire tin can traps. A new dual purpose for tin cans. to 2 LOVELY SUGGESTIONS: (1)Improvised Noise makers for infected distractions \ Tripwire tin can traps. A new dual purpose for tin cans. IN ADDTION: (2)Decoy Grenade in the same concept.Jun 24 2022, 8:48 PM
alexsys updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jun 27 2022, 12:10 PM