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Destructible props often don't display FX in multiplayer as a client
Assigned, NormalPublic


Destroying props spawns prefabs in singleplayer, but as a multiplayer client the props just disappear with no FX.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 v 10.0.22000 Build 22000
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Join a server
  2. Destroy some props
Additional Information

Event Timeline

ceo_of_bacon added a comment.EditedJun 8 2022, 8:09 PM

Meanwhile in Singleplayer

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jun 9 2022, 11:59 AM
mbamg added a subscriber: mbamg.Jun 10 2022, 9:38 PM

By the way, I believe I've experienced this when working on one of my mods (Game Master FX), where if my spawnable warhead deleted itself immediately after triggering, the effect would not make it to the clients (but explosion damage, for example, would). My galaxy brain workaround was to have the warhead entity wait 1 second before deleting itself, so that the effect is replicated on time. Any chance this is the same thing? There were replication error messages in server logs when this happened.

The "Destroy Spawn Objects" (from SCR_DestructionMultiPhaseComponent) do not spawn in MP on a dynamic rigidbody entity.

Did not find id = 0x40000029 item = @"ENTITY:25" ('Tree','Assets/Vegetation/Tree/Pinus_Sylvestris/Dst/t_pinus_sylvestris_2f_dst_base.xob') at <95.311005 0.980000 137.380005> in Spatial Map at <   0;   0>