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(Conflict) Respawn menu option randomly prevents respawning
Assigned, NormalPublic


In my experience this happens randomly after a longer session on a single server:

After choosing "Respawn" in the escape menu, which usually kills you, you are not able to respawn anywhere. Choosing to deploy anywhere closes the map for a split second, but then returns you back to the respawn map. From the short glimpse when the map closes, it seems that your character is still alive in the original location (eg. choosing "Respawn" did not actually kill you)

After a few attempts to respawn this way I always get disconnected from the server, so it may be connection related - like the server thinking you are still alive maybe so it does not allow you a respawn?


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Play Conflict mode, spawn somewhere
  2. Press Escape, choose "Respawn" to kill your character
  3. Choose a different spawn location

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 25 2022, 3:24 PM
lipek added a subscriber: lipek.May 25 2022, 6:56 PM
mbamg added a subscriber: mbamg.May 27 2022, 7:27 AM

I got the bug on record now, but it seems it can also happen when killed normally by players

Right before the video I got killed by enemy players (we ran into each other on the road).

When attempting to respawn you can see glimpses of the road and the enemy jeep + player.

Shortly after this I get disconnected, so it may be related to the general server issues.

This also happens every time when you choose a location to spawn where there is a fight (indicator flashes), the enemy takes it over and your spawn timer is still running. When it runs out, nothing will happen and you can't spawn anywhere else.