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Connection Has Failed all servers (inc logs)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Connection tends to fail most of the time when joining any server


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11
Steps To Reproduce

join a server its a role of a dice

Additional Information

I have some additional projects created in the tools that show up in the workshop tab

Game Log:

Log C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\error.log started at 2022-05-18 21:45:24 (2022-05-18 20:45:24 UTC)

21:45:24:078 SCRIPT    (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
21:45:24:079 DEFAULT   (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
21:45:24:312 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632E5B2B65EBED/meta
21:45:24:326 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:45:28:169 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = No
21:45:28:169 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = StandWithUkraine
21:45:28:169 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:45:28:170 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:45:28:170 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 2
21:45:28:170 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 3
21:45:28:170 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 4
21:45:28:170 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 2
21:45:29:731 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:45:29:731 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:46:01:708 RPL       (E): ClientImpl event: handshake timeout (identity=0x00000001)
21:46:01:908 SCRIPT    (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
21:46:01:908 DEFAULT   (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
21:46:01:908 DEFAULT   (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=3
21:46:02:176 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632E5B2B65EBED/meta
21:46:02:180 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:46:02:495 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:46:02:495 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:46:34:713 RPL       (E): ClientImpl event: handshake timeout (identity=0x00010001)
21:46:34:912 SCRIPT    (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
21:46:34:912 DEFAULT   (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
21:46:34:914 DEFAULT   (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=3
21:46:35:177 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632E5B2B65EBED/meta
21:46:35:180 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:46:35:475 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:46:35:475 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:46:50:227 BACKEND   (E): [RestApi] ID:[65] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, ApiCode:
21:46:50:232 SCRIPT    (E): SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_AskDetails<0x0000019D636EADB0> OnError: EBERR_OK 400 33
21:46:51:754 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:46:53:109 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:46:58:975 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:46:58:975 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:47:31:637 RPL       (E): ClientImpl event: handshake timeout (identity=0x00020001)
21:47:31:835 SCRIPT    (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
21:47:31:835 DEFAULT   (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
21:47:31:836 DEFAULT   (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=3
21:47:32:115 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632E5B2B65EBED/meta
21:47:32:119 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:47:32:454 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:47:32:454 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:10:558 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:10:558 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:12:558 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:12:579 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:13:667 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:13:667 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:45:196 RPL       (E): ClientImpl event: handshake timeout (identity=0x00030001)
21:48:45:395 SCRIPT    (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
21:48:45:395 DEFAULT   (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
21:48:45:396 DEFAULT   (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=3
21:48:45:676 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632E5B2B65EBED/meta
21:48:45:680 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:48:45:994 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:48:45:995 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:50:57:975 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:50:58:363 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:50:58:363 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:51:29:776 RPL       (E): ClientImpl event: handshake timeout (identity=0x00040001)
21:51:29:976 SCRIPT    (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
21:51:29:977 DEFAULT   (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
21:51:29:977 DEFAULT   (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=3
21:51:30:258 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632E5B2B65EBED/meta
21:51:30:261 DEFAULT   (E): Can't open a workshop meta file: $profile:../addons/59632A64280E0487/meta
21:51:30:413 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1
21:51:30:413 GUI       (W): Missing string ID = 1

Event Timeline

nodrog1061 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

This is my experience. 6 hours of "gameplay" listed on steam. Have probably played a total of 30 minutes excluding the tutorial. Can't really test much if I can't play.

nodrog1061 renamed this task from Connection Has Failed all servers to Connection Has Failed all servers (inc logs).May 19 2022, 1:05 PM
nodrog1061 changed Category from General to Multiplayer.
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 19 2022, 1:48 PM

I am also having this issue, I am just trying to play the game and I still can’t connect.

I can confirm these network issues are still present in todays patch Version

This comment was removed by HighWizard.

Still happening to me, despite today's patch.

Same thing happening to me aswell

i can connect to official servers only

lipek added a subscriber: lipek.May 20 2022, 8:23 PM
barf added a subscriber: barf.May 21 2022, 9:04 AM

This issue is still present after todays patch.
I know today was supposed to fix some network related stuff but still having these issues.

Inkota added a subscriber: Inkota.Jun 2 2022, 12:59 PM

Seems to be the same as my issue:

@Geez hi

I think this problem has already been solved and the ticket can be closed.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Fri, Feb 14, 5:19 PM
Geez claimed this task.