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HUD/UI toggle bug - 100% Reproducibility
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As some players have noticed, there is a seemingly random bug in patch 1.17 that causes your HUD toggle (tilde key) to stop working, and can only be enabled again
by going into the options menu and switching the 'Show HUD' option back to Enabled.

I believe I have found the only cause for this bug and can replicate it 100% of the time.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Turn off the HUD by holding down tilde key
  2. Press ESC to open the menu
  3. Press Alt+Tab to minimize the game
  4. Maximize the game again and press ESC to close the menu
  5. Try to enable the HUD by holding the tilde key
  6. The tilde key will now be broken and the HUD can only be enabled again by turning it on in the options menu

After enabling the HUD again from the options menu, you can continue the process over and over again and the same results will apply.

Additional Information

Important to note this bug ONLY happens if you Alt+Tab the game when the ESC menu is OPEN - if you simply turn off the HUD and Alt+Tab without the menu open, this will not happen and the tilde key will continue to function as normal.

Event Timeline

Jaakael created this task.Apr 30 2022, 4:26 PM
Jaakael edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Apr 30 2022, 4:31 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 2 2022, 1:02 PM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 27 2022, 4:03 PM
Geez claimed this task.