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Dead bodies are not dropping loot when the body is cut up
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As per the title, when you attempt to cut up a dead body with a knife it doesn't drop any loot. Instead all loot that was on the body disappears entirely from the server.

This was reported on a couple of our servers, which are modded, but I've just confirmed this is happening on a clean server with no mods installed.

Presumably this has already been reported, but I don't see it on the list so just in case I'm posting this.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Kill player, cut up body, examine for loot.

Additional Information

When checking this issue on our live modded server using admin powers we can see this is not due to items disappearing underground.

Event Timeline

Alzir created this task.Apr 26 2022, 2:20 PM
Alzir changed Severity from Major to Minor.

When you cut the body up you’re essentially cutting up the gear as well (clothes, backpack etc..) That’s not a glitch or error in game. Just gotta drop their gear prior to cutting up.

All the bodies when cutted only drop meat, bones and guts. The loot from the body disappear.

Trashpanda69 added a comment.EditedApr 27 2022, 1:32 PM

All the bodies when cutted only drop meat, bones and guts. The loot from the body disappear. As I mention above remove their clothes and gear first, if you chop them up with their clothes and gear still on them you’re despawning all of it.

Alzir added a comment.Apr 27 2022, 4:43 PM

All the bodies when cutted only drop meat, bones and guts. The loot from the body disappear. As I mention above remove their clothes and gear first, if you chop them up with their clothes and gear still on them you’re despawning all of it.

Thanks for your input but we're not posting here for steps to mitigate this issue, we're reporting a bug, or at least a presumed bug since this change wasn't noted in any patch notes that I've seen related to 1.17.

already reported it, and Geez said it was already fixed internally.

This is an issue we are aware of and it has been fixed internally. The fix will appear in one of the upcoming updates.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Apr 29 2022, 12:26 PM
Geez claimed this task.