Situation: Currently there is no performant-friendly way to detect a change in the loadout of a unit. This makes tasks like "Collect item" or "Wears specific item" a hassle to script. The introduction of an eventhandler that notifies of changes in the unit's loadout would make these things easier/possible.
Suggestion: Introduction of an eventhandler that can be added to a unit (maybe even a container?) which contains the following
_unit - The unit the event is attached to
_loadoutDifference - An array in the Loadout array format used with getUnitLoadout containing the items that were added/removed with values that correspond to the amount added (1, 2, 3, ...) or removed (-1, -2, -3, ...)
Return: "true" overrides default engine behaviour and does not allow changes to the loadout. This would be useful for restriciting items (eg. certain weapons) from being picked up.